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Everything posted by AmeriSpecguy

  1. Gentleman, This is a shut off valve that I've not see before. It is installed on a newer PEX installation after all the copper was stolen from the property. The letters TLC are imprinted on it. I can't find any information on this at all. It was pretty difficult to turn. My main concern is that this isn't the correct valve for this system. Anyone recognize this? Click to Enlarge 34.74 KB Click to Enlarge 27.92 KB
  2. I always do the full inspection no matter what they tell me. They may say they are walking away from the purchase then their agent talks them into purchasing the property or they change their mind, again. Why? I don't want the liability of not reporting something. I don't want to give some lawyer even a glimmer of hope of suing me for not reporting something. This business is way too litigious as it is.
  3. Just put up green board in my bathroom and it's exactly as is pictured above.
  4. Chrome was telling me that there was malware here on TIJ and asked if I wanted to continue. This was yesterday, today it is fine.
  5. I'd be in for some education. Unfortunately it would have to be in St. Louis for me to attend as I have a double herniated disc and can't travel for more than an hour. Edumacation is always good
  6. Gravity won't hold those stringers up? [:-angel]
  7. Interesting, it's one of the few that actually used bolts. Otherwise it looks like a typical deck especially in north county
  8. I see this in new homes all the time as well. Probably the same guys who forget to cut out the ridge vent.
  9. Mark, You must have met the one Laclede guy that has that attitude. I have met quite a few Laclede guys at inspections at they are usually done and gone within 45 minutes, usually less. Maybe with the change as of July 1st in the residential sales contract they have taken a different attitude towards their inspections.
  10. Welcome! As a newb still myself I love what you can learn here everyday.
  11. I have been taking Square now for about a year and like the other have had exactly one issue where I go an error and double charged my client. I was able to refund the money quickly however once the mistake was noticed and my client was extremely thankful. Other than that one glitch Square has been great.
  12. Funny, I checked my birth date issue also and there's a homeowner question about attic venting. Seems like the experts could figure out that ridge venting with soffit vents work the best for most homes. They knew this stuff 35 years ago why are contractors still arguing with us when we write up improper venting?
  13. Merry Christmas everyone
  14. Thanks for teaching noobs like me a million things to make me become a better inspector. Best of luck to you!
  15. Glad your client knew that was wrong. There are electricians around here that would argue with you.
  16. Thanks Marc! This is a new one on me. I've done homes with multiple systems before but not done this way. Love seeing and learning new things!
  17. I'm having issues trying to figure out exactly what's going on here. In the photo you'll see a loop vent in between a toilet and shower. No DWV were noted on this side of the house. The stack was about 10-12 feet from this loop. Is this supposed to be venting the shower? Click to Enlarge 28.68 KB
  18. Three story home with 2 furnaces. The cold air return ducting was shared as was the supply ducting. There was a single A coil also. I have not seen this before and it leaves me scratching my head. Is there anything wrong with this installation. My establishing shot file was corrupt so this is the only photo that came out. Click to Enlarge 27.92 KB
  19. Since my wife has extreme asthma I would want someone who certified and trained to clean my duct work. I would look for certifications by NADCA - National Air Duct Cleaners Association and ASCS - Air Systems Cleaning Specialist. There is a franchise called Ductz that I trust here in St. Louis maybe there is one near you as well
  20. I have been with AT&T for the last 15 years or so, even prior to Cingular. Never have had any issues. Dropped calls are almost nonexistent except for calls with my father. I've heard complaints about them for years but I've never personally had a bad experience with them but then again I've heard complaints against virtually every carrier.
  21. Just ran into some wall mounted electric heaters manufactured by Federal Pacific last week. Didn't even try to test them, just told my client to remove them.
  22. Third for silverfish
  23. I've seen that setup exactly once at it was only in a small portion of the basement. Didn't see any issues with it.
  24. I know of an entire subdivision on the Missouri river where they just installed a pipe that exits into the river. No need for a leach field. I do believe a few of the properties are still this way today.
  25. We use Constant Contact. We got a deal so it worked best for us. At $30 a month for up to 2,500 contacts it's not a bad deal. Also the tracking features make it worth the money. Being able to see who and how many people actually opened the email makes it worth the price.
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