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Bill Kibbel

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Posts posted by Bill Kibbel

  1. What could have happened that sent a surge powerful enough to smoke the service panel and start the TV on fire?

    When the pole was hit, the higher voltage line made contact with the lower voltage distribution line below. 120 V can become 300 V.
    Tomorrow, I'm buying and installing a whole house surge protector.
    If the overvoltage occurs for any significant duration, it can fry surge protection varistors.
  2. Probably won't flatten out without help.

    Try laying the boards on the grass on a sunny day with the bulging side up.

    Click to Enlarge


    The sun dries and shrinks the top side while moisture from the ground expands the bottom. Check on them regularly. When boards look right, sticker stack in a conditioned area and allow to dry thoroughly. It's worked for me probably several thousand times.

  3. The major CSST manufacturers have had their tubing tested and approved for outdoor installation. However, it needs protection from physical damage when installed on a building from grade to 6'.

    I have heard that a couple municipalities might have their own rules prohibiting CSST on the exterior.

  4. Your newly posted pics clearly show that house got brickfaced. It's a 2-coat stucco type application with the second tinted coat scratched off to look like mortar joints.

    In addition to the surface cracks, in the basement/crawlspace you'll find brick powder. The Portland-based brickface coating does not allow moisture to migrate to the exterior, causing nasty stuff to happen to the old skin-fired bricks concealed within.

  5. That home is clad in a new brick veneer. A "solid" brick wall would also have header bricks to tie the wythes together. In the pictures posted, I can only see stretchers in each course.


    Are you 100% sure it's solid brick walls?

  6. I've appreciated folks correcting me when I use the wrong term or spelling, particularly when it's a term used in reports. Spell check won't correct lentil to lintel.

    I'm fortunate that we pay people to type our reports. It gives me more time to focus on everyone else's writing.

  7. Like Tom said it could be wiring or it could be a faulty GFCI. I've never pulled one to see.

    Who's Tom?

    Tony is correct, feed wires on load terminals. It's very common, even though the manufacturers instructions and the sticker on the GFCI terminals tell you how to install the wires.

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