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Everything posted by ebtorqued

  1. As a HVAC tech, I haven"t ran into many solenoid valves sticking open. The main problem is the leaks. These units are typically located in the attic around here and with a leak comes the water damage, mold, and mildew. Once one system goes in a neighborhood we usually get calls from the neighbors to replace theirs with a heat pump.
  2. Something to look for is recently replaced windows in a larger home. I have designed systems that required a 5 ton with single pane windows and poor insulation but a 4 ton with double pane windows and added insulation. This was found out by doing a heat load calculation with both situations. (The home owner was in the middle of a energy efficiency remodel). Unfortunately there are to many "Heat 'em and Cheat 'em companies that will also replace a unit with the same size as the failed unit without doing a heat load.
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