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  1. Jimbo1

    SEER Rules

    As far as I know, you've described the issue perfectly. There's no cutoff point that I've heard of. The rule doesn't affect new old stock. - Jim Katen, Oregon Well, that's the pits. Looks like the builder has circumvented the intent of the law by stockpiling cheaper equipment and dumping it on unspecting consumers.....
  2. Jimbo1

    SEER Rules

    As far as I know, you've described the issue perfectly. There's no cutoff point that I've heard of. The rule doesn't affect new old stock. - Jim Katen, Oregon
  3. Jimbo1

    SEER Rules

    I need help determining the rules around the new SEER 13 A/C requirements. I know the rule went into affect in 01/06. However, it states that it applies to anything 'manufactered' after that date, not installed. How long can a builder stockpile units? I'm buying a home sold new in 05/07 and it has SEER 10 & 12 units. The home was started in 2007. Is there not a cutoff point for a builder to get up to par or is there no time limit for them to use old equipment? Thx, Jim
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