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  1. Free IR training opportunities at Thermal Imaging Conference in San Diego June 3-6th, 2013 If you will be purchasing an infrared camera in the near future, consider this promo from United Infrared whereas you purchase www.jumpstartir.com for $595 and they will give you a credit voucher for full value towards any IR camera they sell. Most of the manufacturers will be at conference so you will gave a great knowledge base going into it. On top of that, you will be with hundreds of other thermographers to network with. If you already have a camera, why not get Level I training. You can sign up for Level I (several offerings) and get JumpStartIR for free as well ($595 value) Already have Level I and want Level II, we got you covered?.Sign up for Level II, get the full conference for free ($1095 value). HERE IS info FLYER: http://www.thermalimagingconference.com ... PROMOS.pdf This is a win/win situation for all : To Qualify for this offer you must call their office at 888-722-6447 to register. Any questions, you can contact me: Peter Hopkins, ASHI Member 760-593-2339
  2. You will be able to hear Scott speak at this conference below For all those that might be intersted in some training opportunities and an exciting conference, United Infrared will be presenting Thermal Imaging Conference June 3-6th, 2013 in San Diego. We have a great line up of speakers (including Scott Wood) with over 55 technical sessions at a great hotel with a great location. Check out the website for more details including the earlybird specials. http://www.thermalimagingconference.com
  3. Charlie, I will give you a tip, take it for what it is worth. I have been a home inspector for 15 years, have personally performed over 7000 inspections and I have zero law suits. The point of all this is based on some things I learned day one from my mentor. (peter walker) He told me to stick to the standards, the minute I exceed them, I open up my liability. It wasn't that I shouldn't own a moisture meter but not to let anyone ever know I had it and to never put that in a report that the Moisture Content was xx etc..The moisture meter in all purposes often confirmed what I already knew. The minute you exceed the standard, it will be expected that you have all the magic tools and of course utilize them on every inspection....Think of what opposing counsel will ask you in the court room. Now with that said, to incorporate IR into the Home Inspection can yield the same result...this of course is a magic tool. I am actually teaching at the 2011 NAHI convention and also the 2012 ASHI conference on the topics of infrared and one of the things I profess is the Risk needs to equal the Reward. If you are getting $700 minimum for a home inspection (avg) then maybe your business reward has value in including IR...if not, then you could ulitimately hurt yourself. I started in 1996 doing Home Inspections (www.inspecdoc.com), wrote my business plan on IR in 1999 however it took till 2005 for me to actually take the plunge in IR (www.socalinfrared.com). I made this decision early on to create IR its own business as I knew it could stand on its own, plus it was easier to diversify the business and look at things like horses (money making opportunity). I am now principal of the largest IR firm having 170 thermographers having gone through our network and I continue to preach the same thing. Keep in mind 70% of our thermographers are Home Inspectors. Why separate? Home Inspectors job is to report the stain and recommend further review. Why not offer the service to figure that out for additional fee rather than give it away. For reference, I have other inspectors that work for me so my companies still are going strong and IR has equated to over 50% of the monies I made in 2010 and continues to rise making about 75% of income in June 2011. A point to start if you want to separate business: www.unitedinfrared.com Best of luck
  4. United Infrared, Inc. (http://www.unitedinfrared.com) today announced the launch of their http://www.ElectricIR.com training module. Under the technical directorship of Dr. Bob Madding (practicing thermographer since 1972 and former Director of ITC), the first training class will be held August 29-31st, 2011 in Orange County, CA. You can see the full training schedule and curriculum along with their other courses at www.unitedinfrared.com/training If you are interested in learning more about the module, you can join us in a free webinar this Friday July 15th at 12 noon Eastern. https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/583465001 To view the full press release: http://www.electricir.com/files/United_ ... odule.html To view the press release on the appointment of Dr. Bob Madding: http://www.electricir.com/madding.html If there are any questions, do not hesitate to call 888-722-6447 or by email at info@unitedinfrared.com Click to Enlarge 34.54 KB
  5. Seems like allot of questions here about all the cameras and what is best.... Here is the simple answer...They all WORK! and do the same RESULT...take IR images. Everything along the way is preference meaning what button does what. I have operated both Flir and Fluke and am familiar with most all other brands including Testo, Process Sensors and several other of the chinese brands. Here are a few comments: Flir Touch Screen: It is supplementary but not required to be used. Every feature can be operated from the buttons on camera itself (up down select etc.) Flir E60 Camera is $7495, comes with 2 batteries (3 hour life), $85 each for additional. I have 3 (gives me a full day without having to charge anything) Flir E60 wide angle lens: $995 Worth every penny Fluke Ti32: Excellent camera and produces great images. It is true to utilize the images, you must put them through their software to convert the image. THere are some saving features on camera too but you loose radiometric (temp data) of image when you covert. Lens too is $995 although there are many promos on that DROP/BREAK/ WARRANTY: Basically most if not all the cameras have the same drop ratings and shock ratings....Each camera has a warranty as well. I do know the Flir now has a 2/5/10 year warranty now which is a pretty big thing to get 10 years on detector: http://www.flir.com/WorkArea/linkit.asp ... ibID=52963 For reference: United Infrared has secured rates for the members: 10% off any camera, any brand. You will easily offset membership cost $500 with discounts and then make some. Sales tax is only charged in California and North Carolina. UI also has discounts on Level I/II/III Training and teaches a variety of applications. If you are looking to cut the learning curve, the network is the biggest and the marketing support is outstanding: They currently have 170 thermographers in 39 states and 4 countries right now. http://www.unitedinfrared.com/join for more info
  6. Retrotec Q5E for sale Retrotec High Power 2hp fan (8100 CFM) good for large residential and small commercial where the standard fan will not achieve 50 pascal. Fan is in excellent condition as it has only been used for display and some training classes. Fan is about 2 years old but the Gauge is new as it went through gauge exchange and is fully calibrated as of June 2010. Youc an see information about fan at http://retrotec.com/residential/Product ... elQ5E.aspx The hard panel system by far is the best and quickest set up time (3 minutes) vs the soft panel cloth door. System retails for $6450-$6850. I am looking close to 5k for system. Make offer FYI: as a rep for Retrotec we periodically sell our demo systems and buy new which is what we are doing here... Get your equipment deduction in before end of year! peter@socalinfrared.com or cell 949-842-8088. Fan is located in North San Diego, CA Click to Enlarge 45.69 KB
  7. I have both (Minneapolis Blower Door and Duct Blaster equipment for sale. If interested you can give me a call. The equipment has only been used about 5 times, little over a year old so is basically in excellent condition. I also have the software for automated testing/reporting for both pieces of equipment. We are selling cause we are using the Retrotec product.. Located in Southern California Peter Hopkins 888-762-2547 ext.3
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