Charlie, I will give you a tip, take it for what it is worth. I have been a home inspector for 15 years, have personally performed over 7000 inspections and I have zero law suits. The point of all this is based on some things I learned day one from my mentor. (peter walker) He told me to stick to the standards, the minute I exceed them, I open up my liability. It wasn't that I shouldn't own a moisture meter but not to let anyone ever know I had it and to never put that in a report that the Moisture Content was xx etc..The moisture meter in all purposes often confirmed what I already knew. The minute you exceed the standard, it will be expected that you have all the magic tools and of course utilize them on every inspection....Think of what opposing counsel will ask you in the court room. Now with that said, to incorporate IR into the Home Inspection can yield the same result...this of course is a magic tool. I am actually teaching at the 2011 NAHI convention and also the 2012 ASHI conference on the topics of infrared and one of the things I profess is the Risk needs to equal the Reward. If you are getting $700 minimum for a home inspection (avg) then maybe your business reward has value in including IR...if not, then you could ulitimately hurt yourself. I started in 1996 doing Home Inspections (, wrote my business plan on IR in 1999 however it took till 2005 for me to actually take the plunge in IR ( I made this decision early on to create IR its own business as I knew it could stand on its own, plus it was easier to diversify the business and look at things like horses (money making opportunity). I am now principal of the largest IR firm having 170 thermographers having gone through our network and I continue to preach the same thing. Keep in mind 70% of our thermographers are Home Inspectors. Why separate? Home Inspectors job is to report the stain and recommend further review. Why not offer the service to figure that out for additional fee rather than give it away. For reference, I have other inspectors that work for me so my companies still are going strong and IR has equated to over 50% of the monies I made in 2010 and continues to rise making about 75% of income in June 2011. A point to start if you want to separate business: Best of luck