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Speedy Petey

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Everything posted by Speedy Petey

  1. First off, what is a "by-pass jumper"? There is NO requirement to bond ducting, it is only suggested 250.104(B) FPN.
  2. Actually Mike I am not wrong. I NEVER stated this was for everyone. In fact, the first paragraph in that post said exactly what you just did: I specifically state, "IF you are under the NEC without amendments..." Obviously, you do not fit this description. I for one am VERY surprised that your state would turn that code 180 deg around and allow this, but then again, I am in NY. We have our own problems.
  3. OK, you got me. "Non-compliant" is a more accurate term.
  4. I don't know where "here" is, but I hope you are not under the NEC, because if you are, unless you have a SPECIFIC amendment, it IS quite illegal. ARTICLE 394 Concealed Knob-and-Tube Wiring 394.12 Uses Not Permitted Concealed knob-and-tube wiring shall not be used in the following: (1) Commercial garages (2) Theaters and similar locations (3) Motion picture studios (4) Hazardous (classified) locations (5) Hollow spaces of walls, ceilings, and attics where such spaces are insulated by loose, rolled, or foamed-in-place insulating material that envelops the conductors
  5. Then why is it a serious code violation?
  6. Richard, AWESOME pics of split-buss panels! ALL H-I's should keep this as a reference.
  7. I could NOT agree more!
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