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Frank Turak

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  1. For sale Wohler VIS 2000 Video Inspection System. Excellent condition. $3900 Applications- chimneys, vents, ducts, water and sewer pipes, home inspections, pests. Retired from the inspection business. For additional information contact theinspector@echoes.net Click to Enlarge 46.64 KB
  2. 3 year old Wohler VIS 2000 video inspection system for sale. Includes; Color monitor w/leather case and glare protection, New pan & tilt (360-180) camera head, 50' video viper w/3 centering stars, Cable reel w/ integrated distance measurement, Gooseneck for camera, 2 camera spring guides, Transport case. Will pay shipping. Retiring from the inspection business. Email theinspector@echoes.net for price and any additional information you may need or visit www.woehler.com and follow links to view equipment. Can also be seen at Professional equipment web site. Add additional business income by performing chimney flue inspections, heating systems, duct inspections, sewer lines, etc.
  3. Mark. My client did not buy the house. The deal died when I did the garage during the early part of the inspection. They were concerned about the garage floor. It settled about 4" from the center support to the foundation. That's what that crack in the foundation wall is. It gets worse from there. By the time I went into the crawl he walked down the street and put in an offer on another home. Did not use this agent. This house is listed at 7K. Sure would like to know what inspector is going to certify the work to this foundation. Frank
  4. The block pier has settled about 3" The shim in the picture is the original shim placed under the beam at the time of construction. The piers? used as the footing for the concrete footing and foundation is below grade and not visible. There are no exposed pilings attached to the house anywhere. This foundation runs under the entire house. This crawl is about 2' below grade. This house is 20 years old and build on fill Darren I'll send you a picture of the entire house via email. Don't know how to post a picture to this reply without starting another post Frank
  5. Here are some pictures of a foundation in a waterfront home. I of course called for a structural engineer due to the conditions observed. This defect started in the garage about 20' away and continued through the foundation wall and footing. I also posted the comment made by the real estate agent sent via email to my client. "HI WALTER.... I'LL BE SENDING YOU YOUR CHECK AND THE EXTRA $100 BY CHECK TODAY. THE xxxxx ARE OF COURSE FIXING THE PROBLEM WHICH IS NOT A STRUCTURAL DEFECT AND DOES NOT SUPPORT ANY OF THE WEIGHT OF THE HOME AND IS VERY SIMPLE TO FIX.... NEW WATERFRONT HOMES WITH CRAWL SPACES IN THE AREA ARE BUILT THE SAME WAY.... THE OWNERS ARE HAVING A STATE CERTIFIED HOME INSPECTOR FAMILIAR WITH WATERFRONT HOMES DO A STRUCTURAL INSPECTION BEFORE AND AFTER THE WORK IS DONE" I of course stated in my report that this is a structural issue requiring further evaluation by a structural engineer familiar with this type of construction. I'm interested in any comments by any inspector who does waterfront properties regarding this type of defect. This home is build on pilings sunk into the ground with the footing and foundation built on top. Download Attachment: BlockFoundationCracks.jpg 33.53 KB Download Attachment: BlockFoundationCracks1.jpg 46.33 KB Download Attachment: FoundationCrack.jpg 63.38 KB Download Attachment: SettledPier.jpg 39.01 KB Thanks all! Frank
  6. Terance, That looks like a sub-panel. Not required unless there is no main outside or in another location. At least that's the way I understand it.
  7. Thanks for the offer Steven. Millburn is out of my service area. Used to be my old stomping grounds when I was younger. I did post to the Construction officials forum for NJ also but I think that forum is dead. There has been no reply. I'll keep asking around. See you at the meeting on April 13 Frank
  8. Looking for any information on when weep holes were required in New Jersey. The only codes I have are IRC 2000 and CABO One and Two Family Dwelling code 1995 edition. Home in question is 10 years old and lacks these weeps. Local AHJ said there were not required at the time of construction. Would like to quote chapter and verse to client if possible. Thanks Frank
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