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Rob Amaral

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Rob Amaral last won the day on June 11

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    Home Inspector

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  1. One of the old-school good-eggs in the Boston errea... Kind guy with a good sense of humor and humility . Honorable life.
  2. Has the 'essence of Howard, Fine and Howard" fine cabinetmakers...
  3. What country was it made in ?
  4. ZOTZ DOTZ ! Good One... I too seem to have the same Karma goin on....I don't have a picture but a few weeks back, I found a bootleg bathroom ON THE ROOF of a flat-roof three decker in South Boston (no ceiling, no heat) and the water supply pipes were routed up an in-use brick chimney from 1900 (no liner)... Oy.. The drains were mickey-moused into the apt below....
  5. That's an amazing 'catch' of the greatest-generation 'gettin it done'.. !
  6. Best wishes on the change! Amen on the USPS... 'good move'
  7. Jim's right... Chicken-wire reinforcement... often we'll see the date of the manufacture on them... we see them every week around here.. We also see the precursor----stone sinks, same size/shape, etc.. (usually with cracks)... but the reinforced-concrete beast is more common.. I even had one here in my 1961 ranch that I had to tear-apart ... pain in the gluteus maximus
  8. Ditto all above... but let it slide...I'd be more concerned about conditions conducive to termites at the entire system under there..... you may want to pro-actively do something about that and let this slide.....
  9. Silly product... never seen it around BOS (yet)... we have plenty of the 'real stuff'..
  10. Did a 2017-era inspection with an Eaton/Cutler-Hammer load-center this week (Apr 2022). Test-tripped the AFCIs and one 'sort of blew up' (arced, material spat out somewhat, etc). - I did not turn it back on, posted a note, made all the proper recommendations etc, but I'm not aware of this happening with any brand of breaker.... Thoughts?? I'm gonna go snooping-around the web for more info..
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