hausdok (cute nick btw), All I know is what I related to you except that I forgot to mention it was a vacant house and that the engineer allegedly didn't put the drain hose back into the standpipe correctly. As to whether it could result in $50,000 in damage... that's what I was told. Oh, and now I remember that the realtor said that the buyers turned on the washing machine before going to bed. Obviously if this was a second-floor laundry room and mold was involved, it would "supposedly" be necessary to tear the entire house down, file an EPA report, rocket all the construction debris out of orbit towards the sun, return the land to its orginal state when the first Native American saw it... well, I'm wandering aren't I? But you're right, $50,000 is ridiculous in my opinion but you have to admit it's an unfortunately plausible possibility these days.