Mike and Richard...I had to laugh. It is a zoo over there. I don't engage the individual you are referring to in topics on that message board anymore, primarily because there is no chance at having a rational discussion. In fact a Washington Inspector who was following his advice ended up getting a fine from the WSDA for performing pest inspections without an SPI license. I suppose it is good reading for the entertainment value, but that is about it. Now to the Mold issue. I have written all three of my legislators, and awaiting replies. I also wrote every member of the committe for which this bill is currently referred to. Like Mike said, Jeanne Kohl-Welles is the chair of this committee, and actually she is the only one who has replied so far. I have posted the Senators reply here; *************************************************************************************************************** Thanks for your message, Harold. I'm in agreement with you in your concerns and had informed Sen. Parlette that we'll have a proposed substitute for the bill hearing that will modify the language. Nonetheless, I believe the bill addresses the legitimate issue of disclosure of the presence of mold to potential home purchasers while knowing the challenges you've identified. I'd appreciate your providing any concrete suggestions you have to the committee staff attorney working on this bill, Alison Mendiola who I've copied. Regarding the language on Internet instruction, I have informed Sen. Parlette that we'll be working on language to place strict limitations. Again, any suggestions you have would be appreciated. Senator Jeanne Kohl-Welles Chair - Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection Committee ****************************************************************************************************************** I figured we could all benefit from the Senators reply. I am working on a response, and again urge others to make their voices heard. This is so important. So apparently they will be working on a substitute bill, reworking the language. My preference would be that the bill did not have the word mold in it, but that is clearly not the intent of the Senator. The bill is all about mold disclosure and intends to put inspectors right in the middle of this controversial subject.