Eh, not really, MO'H. You only had to indemnify them for your negligence, not theirs. A weak inspector? Please. I have never met a weak inspector. This business is not for the weak, though hausdok may see a skewed sample. The tens of hundreds that I have met are vastly overqualified, highly competent professionals and ethical in the extreme. Most claims against home inspectors are not meritorious: 95% in my personal experience. The problem is that you have to defend them and that can be extremely expensive. The problem is that once a claim goes into suit and your insurance company engages defense counsel, there is absolutely no incentive for that defense attorney to contain costs and every incentive for him to generate costs. True. And unless you die, your life insurance carrier risks very little. And unless you develop pancreatic cancer, your health insurance carrier risks very little. And unless you believe anything that O'Handley says, you risk very little. Then the smart inspector contacts me and I send a letter and the claimant is never heard from again. Right. Please identify these "plenty of folks". No claim goes away because a tortfeasor does not have insurance. That's the best of all possible claims. It generally results in a default judgment which will be eventually paid with post-judgment interest augmentation. That is the single most stupid statement that has ever been made with respect to the likelihood of a home inspection resulting in a claim. Ninety-five percent of all claims against home inspectors are unmeritorious. That means that, notwithstanding the superiority of your inspection, an astonishingly large number of your clients will think that you did a bad job. Most inspectors of my acquaintance are professionals. As such, they do a professional inspection regardless of what their fees are and understand the professional liability risks. And if you follow that advice and you have a claim, say, before 10 years, well you'll have a good claim against Mr. O'Handley for giving you "expert" advice that was errant. Competence has absolutely no bearing on whether or not you will be the subject of a bogus claim. I have handled 4 claims in two years for one of the best inspectors in the nation. Every one of them went away with a letter from me. I have handled 3 claims in one year from another inspector. All three went away with a letter from me.