Personally I use HomeGuage, but if I was going to switch to one of those two, I'd go with Home Inspector Pro. You're going to be spending a LOT of time with your software. Get the best one for you, not the cheapest or most expensive one.
I've seen a lot of inspectors start off with bad software and then have to make the switch a couple years later. Just made life harder on them.
Get it right the first time.
Call their customer support lines and see what kind of responses you get. Tutorials and customer software support is important when you're first learning to use it. Palm-Tech's support ain't so great from what I'm seeing online in inspector discussions.
Most important, LEARN TO USE IT.
I've seen a LOT of software complaints, wishes, etc, that make it clear the user never bothered to really learn how to use the software and what it can do. Prepare to write your own narratives or edit the pre-provided ones to suit your style. The ones provided with the software, no matter which one you get, all suck.
Write like you talk.