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  1. The most bang for the buck. Rank Search Engine Volume 1. www.google.com 65.98% 2. search.yahoo.com 20.88% 3. search.msn.com 5.33% 4. www.ask.com 4.14% http://www.hitwise.com/datacenter/searc ... alysis.php (URL corrected - thanks)
  2. Informative site for about energy saving tips... flash tour. https://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?fuseaction=popuptool.atHome
  3. Les, Any who sends in their money can join ASHI without even taking a test. They are counted as ASHI members. Certified members is the higher level. I understand "ASHI speak". All I am saying is that all associations have their share of wanna bees.
  4. Darren, There people from all the associations who have never done an inspection. Be careful throwing a stone when you live in a glass house. Does that make all associations bad? Lets not start a p*ssing match about which association is better. Please.
  5. $1000 E&O Insurance Posted At NACHI forum.
  6. I feel that each inspector who stops working for the local realtor will take a huge leap forward in the steps of becoming a better inspector. Follow the money. As long as 80% of the inspection are referred by realtors and inspectors keep writing reports to make them happy, our industry will always be second class. I do not solicit realtors.
  7. I want to thank Mr Gromicko for what he has done to unite so many inspectors.
  8. It seems that we have two conflicting tales of how people responded to Mr Gromicko. I really get tired of people saying we should act professionally and then spending so much time mocking Mr Gromicko with slanted news.
  9. Just found this on activerain.com It seems to paint another picture of Mr Gromicko and the ASTM meeting. *************************************************************** http://activerain.com/blogsview/218042/ ... ng-details ASTM Meeting details This is a breakdown of what happened at the ASTM meeting. Well, the motion to initiate an ASTM standard for home inspectors was defeated by a vote of about 109 to 53 (it was hard to hear the exact vote results through the applause). There were three abstentions, one was the NAR representative. The meeting started on time with a little over 160 persons present. It began with Pat Picariello ( pronounced: "Pick-Ah-Rello") first running through ASTM's history, similar standards and the standard-creating procedures at ASTM. There was an hour+ long Q&A session led by Mr. Picariello. This began the sharing of positions which, as was expected, all of NAHI was in favor of ASTM standards and everyone else was against. A few sarcastic jabs were exchanged amongst the attendees but mostly, the majority just wanted to get the vote over with. The most damaging points that were voiced were that Mr. Picariello admitted that the "Producers" (home inspectors) would make up a minority of the persons populating the committees and the voting members; Real Estate Agents, Architects, Engineers, Lenders, HVAC Contractors, Plumbers, etc would outnumber the inspectors. Second, adoption of these standards by state legislatures or real estate organizations' contracts would create an opening for poor/inexperienced inspectors to enter the marketplace doing home inspections to ASTM standards. Also, ASTM would charge inspectors for the use of these standards and all associated forms; forms that could be specialized to various areas/subjects. Lunch went from Noon to 1:20 PM. Further explanation of the hierarchy of committees within the proposed standards-creating groups was explained by Mr. Picariello. At 1:50 PM, a motion was taken from the floor to proceed with the ASTM standard process which was seconded and initiated a comment period from the attendees. This is where the impassioned arguments commenced. By a margin greater than 2 to 1, speakers, including Frank Lesch, Don Norman, Marv Goldstein, and Nick Gromicko, argued that the standards that each of the national organizations maintain are well honed and serve the public much more positively than could an ASTM standard. There was a couple of "kum bay yah" speeches from the NAHI members; one of which was surreptitiously stifled by the attendees shouts and moans. FYI: Nick Gromicko actually received the loudest applause for his speech on voting against the standard. The vote was taken by paper ballot. Several members asked repeatedly to have association rep's observe the ballot counting which was dismissed with a disgusted look by Mr. Picariello but I noticed that there were members watching the counting. The results were announced after Mr. Picariello thanked the attendees for coming and participating in this "emotional" vote. The meeting dissolved immediately. Posted by Scott Patterson on 09/27/2007 10:11 AM *************************************************** Thank you Scott.id="size5">
  10. I believe you have forgotten that after my response to your attempts to hijack my blog at activrain.com, you started a blog to pick up the same bashing of me and Mr Gromicko. They made you delete that blog, remember? If you want to help me, and you seem so nice at this time, please refrain from posting skewed parts of email conversations, as the moderator of this forum has informed you. And... you can help me by not coming behind my post and asking me if my post are real facts or not, knowing full well that you are attempting to cast doubt on something you have not verified. And... you can help me be showing me respect and I will gladly show you that same respect in return. BTW... I enjoyed your pictures at the other forum. Have a good one.
  11. Not everything printed on paper has a duplicate posted on the internet. To imply that it was never published, when you can see a picture of the finished product is really grasping for straws. Mr Gromicko seems to provoke unfounded speculation.
  12. My thanks to the moderator of this forum for deleting a misrepresentation. They had to do this at the last place Scott attacked me. I'm not surprised anymore. Mr. McKenna, I didn't delete anything because of misrepresentations. I deleted material from both you and Mr. Patterson because it dealt with religion and the posting of private e-mail communications. - Jim Katen Because I know both side of what was posted by Scott, I can say it was a misrepresentation. I understand that you do not know the full content. Your policy of deleting personal emails is understood and accepted by me. Thanks. I was responding to the previous posters comments about my religion and I will know from this time forward to not respond to those kinds of post in the future. I realize now that you would have deleted his comments to begin with and I had no need to respond. Thanks again. I have had Scott follow me around other forums and he has had his post deleted in time past for this same kind of thing. So I am not suprised.
  13. Tip #29 in Consumer Report's new guide recommends hiring a NACHI inspector exclusively and to find one at nachi.org You will have to talk to Consumer Report if you have an issue with their publication and their choice to print a recommendation for NACHI home inspectors. As to your non Christian attitude of judging me because of the stated text in the Consumer Report publication, I will pray that you will one day get saved. It is kind of funny that when you do a search on the Consumer Reports website for NACHI that it says "No results found". This says that it is from the editors of Consumer Reports, not that it is a Consumer Reports article. It was printed by Consumer Report. I really don't see why they have to explain to you why they did it.
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