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  1. Scott - Thanks for your reply. I have done 200 ish inspections. Its kind of scary to know some disgruntled home buyer can sue you long after the inspection is done. FREA said anything longer than 4 yrs the judge would probably just laugh them out of court..in their opinion of course.
  2. Scott - In the essence of maintaining my privacy, the name provided is my online profile. You may disageee, but in this day and age its smart. Why did I do that? For folks who want to see my personal info whom do not need it. My license number, address, etc is not significant to this forum or any other IMO. The only reason you ask to to measure up the competition, I get it. BTW this is the 2nd time you have asked me this ( 2 yrs ago?) I can assure you my name and business is listed with the state of TN. I am licensed, insured, etc. All legit! With that said, I sold my business. How about the Tail Insurance... For those of you who love being a HI, my hat is off to you. I got into this for the business, not the job. My intent was to grow it and hire inspectors. Didn't quite work out, but hey at least I tried. Dealing with whiney ass people, attorneys, real estate agents who don't give a crap about nothing other that $$, it truly makes me sick. It was satisfying when you helped clients. So I am going back to being a full time commercial pilot (RW/FW).
  3. Hmmmm..worth calling my attorney to ask! Anyone from TN know this answer?
  4. As many of you know I have sold my business, now comes the question of tail insurance. Spoke to FREA today (my carrier), a 1 yr policy is $1250, a 4 yr is $2450. I would like the 1 yr. but when you consider anyone can sue anytime for anything, my gut tells me the 4yr option is the best. Would love to hear your opinions and recommendations?
  5. Does anyone use a answering service to schedule inspections? If so who do you use and are you happy with them? My wife currently answers the phone - but she is quitting. She hates it and I don't have time to do it myself. Any options? Thanks!
  6. Curious to know if any of you have raised your prices due to the increase in fuel prices? If you are not, why? I am thinking about going up $10 per category. Maybe I should go up more, I don't know!
  7. Heatpump - Ice On Refrigerant Line at the condenser outside. Is this due to the freon being low in the system? Could anything else be wrng with it? System is a Rheem, 1997 model.
  8. Don't listen to all the negativity, it s a great idea to think out of the box. I started using AHW and my business is thriving because of it. Those who are shopping for an inspector, stop shopping as they see the added value. Bottom line is that it "bridges the gap" between the inspecton and when and if the realtor warranty starts, it by no means supplements what the realtors sell. And it by no means implies complacency, it does imply IMO a good business decision...one up on the other guy for sure. I buy 30 at a time, cost is $13 EA. Good luck & go for it. What do you have to lose!
  9. Anyone have any helpful advice on preparing to take the Radon NEHA/NRPP exam? Attending a 2 day training class given by the the Southern Regional Radon Training Center, Auburn Univ at Lexington, Ky. How tough is this?
  10. You guys are crazy! A rig to put a ladder on a roof or a ladder straddling a ridge. Not me, I'll hang it out and use bino's, I know its not the same but ya know what....I'll be driving myself home instead of taking a trip to the hospital. Be careful, please! The knowledge you guys pass along is awesome and much appreciated. BTW, I bought the 21 Gorilla today. Enough of this crazy ladder talk! [^]
  11. 06 KIA Sedona. 7 1/2 ft ladder length will fit. Most homes here have a crawl space, guessing 3'; the avg ceiling height is 8'. Which ladder will work? I have a Cosco 17', not quite big enough. Thanks for the input gents!
  12. Looking for a ladder that will fit "IN" my van and extend to get on a 2 story home. Any recommendations?
  13. You test an outlet, it pops the GFCI somewhere? I spend more damn time finding the GFCI Outlet that popped or GFCI breaker. What's the trick....come on, I know there are some techniques out there!
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