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Nolan Kienitz

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Everything posted by Nolan Kienitz

  1. Not an issue down here in Texas. Another reason I live South of the Mason-Dixon Line.
  2. Both Listing Agent and Buyer's Agent showed up this AM for today's 4-story townhome inspection. Everyone hung out for entire inspection along with husband/wife buyers and Mom and Dad. Actually we all had a good time. This is highly unusual for me as I seldom ever see an agent as access is via Suprakey and we no longer are required to get a CBS code. A large percentage of the time the agent didn't have the right CBS code anyway ... so the associations did away with the requirement a few years ago.
  3. Jim's offerings are excellent folks and I can also add Mike Cothran. He, along with Clay and Paul are excellent. If I were still living and inspecting in Houston I would choose me (no pride here), but I've referred many of my former Houston area clients to all three of these folks noted. All very good.
  4. Typically I get paid at the time of the inspection. If client is out of town or won't be there I get paid in advance. Sometimes we do paperwork when inspection starts or sometimes at the end. I figured I could add some spike strips to my supply of tools if I had a client who was balking at paying. [] So far ... after 15 years ... no issues encountered.
  5. Merry Christmas ... forecast to be mid-70s (F) here today
  6. Zinsco products are about as bad as Federal Pacifics. I recommend replacement everytime I run across one.
  7. ... and Why the Same Won't Happen in Your State This is from The Scientific American 3 Reasons Hawaii Put the Brakes on Solar ... .
  8. Flipside of the state from Mark Cramer, but he might know of someone over there he would recommend ??
  9. Yumm ... blue cheese, roast beef and carmalized onions ... [] Click to Enlarge 59.42 KB
  10. I'm guessing that "business services" controls the issuing and related rules for your inspector's license?
  11. Same in Texas ... we're required to have our license number visible all the time on all documents, advertising, etc..
  12. It has just been a 'legacy' thing that I've been doing for near 15-years. Guess it's time for a change. []
  13. I guess I should make my logo a tad smaller as well. This is what I'm currently using. Click to Enlarge 90.99 KB
  14. Nasty flex drain connections ... I hate 'em.
  15. My grandfather (when he homesteaded in NE Montana in the late 1890s and early 1900s built a sizeable barn. As with many things time took it's toll and it fell down after many years of neglect. I was living in Salt Lake City at the time (during my first marriage) and my wife and I recovered a bunch of the original barn boards, hauled them to SLC and put them on one of our basement walls. How I wish those 'aged boards' could have been more transportable. I have no clue as to status of those barn boards today. It is possible the follow on homeowners may not have even had a clue. Such memories. Les - great wood to collect.
  16. Kind of cool ... [utube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6X82g2UZOs" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344">
  17. You have double-posted this request. As I replied there maybe try putting new batteries in the T-stat first. That is the simplest approach ... then go from there.
  18. Maybe change the battery in the T-stat.
  19. Evidently no practical significance at all. Marc I think they are there with different operational modes just so that Mike Lamb would ask the question: Why? []
  20. I could not resist ... [^] Click to Enlarge 10.95 KB
  21. Engineering group from Stevens Institute of Technology has put together one heckuva house. The Sure House - Stevens Institute of Technology
  22. I love trains ... #2 Rail lines pulls me into the image and along the line to who knows where? #1 for me is a setting sun and extremely settling/relaxing. #3 doesn't float my boat.
  23. Common sense just doesn't apply it seems. Exhaust fan should be where the majority if the humidity is generated ... as well as the toilet closet. Most newer construction down here has exhaust fans in both locations. Guess we're lucky.
  24. Crystals for the frequency noted on the case. They were cut to oscillate/operate only at the specific frequency. Tunable VFOs were not available back in the day. There are some ham radio operators who build QRP (low power) rigs that are crystal based and when they post for a QSO (conversation) they say they are "rock bound" ... as they are using a crystal.
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