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Nolan Kienitz

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Posts posted by Nolan Kienitz

  1. The sensors can also just totally fail. Mine did recently and I just had a new unit installed. The old unit was about ten years old and getting noisier and noisier. My maintenance routine was not working to smooth out it's noisy and jerky operation.

    The new operator units sends me text messages when it opens/closes. It is very quiet and simply is close to impossible to hear from inside the home when it opens/closes.

  2. I know the first page is short, but when I'm at the bottom and I keep moving my scroll wheel the page starts jumping up/down. It does not do that when I'm on the other pages and at the bottom of those pages and still moving my scroll wheel.

    I'm using the Chrome browser.

    I just tried your site in Firefox and the "jump" did NOT do the same thing.

    I'm also using Windows 10-Pro.

    You should also consider adding re-Captcha to your "Reserve a Seat" page. You have a similar application on the "Contact Us" page. I added that to two pages of my site and it literally stopped all of the bogus bot fillins I was getting.

    Consider adding more emphasis on "Inspector Central" that you have as part of the first line of text in the box. It sort of blends in or gets lost with the text following the hyphen. Repetitive emphasis of the "name" will help burn it into memory.

    FWIW, when I'm visiting a website and click on a link or new page for that site I like it to open in a new "tab". That way the original page from the website I started at is still there for me.

    This is just a "me" thing that I like as sometimes I can forget where I started ... UGH, that age thing again.

  3. Effloresence on Northeast corner of brick veneer home in D/FW from yesterday's inspection.

    Quite a few options left for buyer to consider.

    A/C condensate drain stains from prior problems as well, but not a big deal.

    One possibility may involve a mis-directed sprinkler system rotor head as a contributing factor.

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  4. Sometimes I wonder if a Xactimate license and training would sell. I could do it for other home inspection reports besides my own. Such a credential would legitimize repair estimates generated thereof. At least that's my thinking.


    Get ready to shell out lots of bucks for Xactimate access. It is a continuing license ... not a one and done. It is a daunting program. I had to use it when doing insurance adjusting in Houston after Hurricane Ike back around 2008. It cost a pretty penny each month back then.

    Dollar values are continually adjusted by region for each task and trade. They adjust rates for areas that have been impacted with disasters (IE: hurricanes, tornadoes, etc..) to cover the increased fees that often appear in times of such events.

    My recent hail damaged property was all quoted on Xactimate via the insurance company adjuster and I was impressed when I learned my roofing company also used Xactimate.

    I did not not keep up my subscription following my Hurricane Ike 'tour of duty'.

  5. Locking, limiting PDFs is kind of pointless. If anyone wants to break the code it is quite easy.

    Albeit the companies keep making the locks better there are multiple apps out there that can scan and unlock them.

    I've used a number of them over the years.

    Best way is what Scott suggested: "Don't send the report to anyone."


  6. Thanks gentlemen, I called the foundation company that sent out the engineer. I couldn't talk to the engineer that went to the house, as he was busy, but according to the office manager, there is several neighbourhoods that automatically raise concerns and this wasn't in one of those areas, so they aren't that worried. I asked for a map of the problem areas but apparently they just have it memorized.

    I would equate their "memorized" situation as something akin to: "Knowledge is Power". They (supposedly) have the knowledge (won't share it) and thus have the "power".

    Also, good comments from Jim L. and Kurt M. above about "further evaluation". I agree whole-heartedly.

    As I often tell my clients (no dis-respect to NASA engineers), but this is not rocket science. It is about common sense knowledge. Unfortunately we are seeing more and more of the "lack" as time goes on.

  7. Another thought:

    Are you sure that those aren't smooth on the inside? I've seen some drain tubing that was corrugated on the outside and smooth on the inside.

    Good thought, but I'm not taking it apart to find out if the "installed product" has an interior smooth wall.

    I continue to go with it's OK for "temporary, emergency" use ... Not a permanent installation.

  8. Maybe not recalled but other evidence of "safety issues", The electricians that I have spoke to almost always change them out.

    Does that information from electricians you have spoken with not speak volumes to you?

    Use a version of that in your report comments and tell your client your opinion ... don't keep kicking it down the road.

  9. Plumber did a nice symmetrical job with copper. Not sure of overall value unless someone just had a lot of extra money in the wallet to spend.

    Also, does SC have a requirement for strapping of the W/Hs due to earthquakes?

    I thought that was a West coast thing?

    But then ... I'm in Texas and even though Irving, TX has had a slew of tremors over the past year it has not crept into the local codes to strap W/Hs ... Yet !!

  10. Quite often I find the single-control valves in vacant homes will not let hot water flow. Of course depends on many things: brand of valve (some not as good as others) and how long has the S/C valve not been used.

    Plumbers I've talked to about this say the cartridge needs to be replaced. As noted, some brands seem to be more at risk than others, but I've never put down the names for my files.

    I found two last week and they were in occupied homes, but in a bathroom that was seldom ever used.

  11. I agree with Marc, John and Jim.

    I would avoid CSST at all costs. Too many fires, deaths and analysis has shown that it was related to CSST.

    I had a gas line extended in our home a few years ago and our local plumber (long time and well respected in the business) will not touch CSST. He says it has not yet been proven to him to be safe and he does not want to put his clients into a "potential unsafe" situation.

    He said it might change over time, but he is not ready to bite ... yet. He is staying with black iron.

    The CSST lobby is alive and well and has the Texas TREC licensing agency wrapped around their fingers as well. TREC has verbiage we have to use that pretty much paints targets on the Texas inspector's back when it relates to CSST. The lobby prevailed with the changes even against other forensic engineering reports and data from Texas Fire Marshals about failures they are very uncomfortable with.

    One local D/FW inspector is still under a pending $1M lawsuit due to a home fire caused by a lighting strike that had some CSST extensions installed to black iron. Its been ongoing now for nearly 2+ years.

    For me (as I've noted above) ... I will not have CSST in my home.

  12. We're expecting to get hit hard by snowfall here in central MD. I'm forming a strategy to get snow off the roof of my 24x36 pole building. It has metal roof and siding and it's completely un-insulated.

    My idea is to use my jet heater. It puts out a good amount of heat, most of which rises through the trusses to the roof panels. What do you think is a better plan?

    1) Fire the heater up early in attempt to prevent snow from accumulating?

    2) Wait for a significant amount to fall first, then fire the heater to initiate an avalanche of bulk?

    Good Lord. Look out different window and have a glass of red wine.

    I have a fresh bottle of Markers Mark ... I'm good!!

    I'm also South of the Mason-Dixon line so don't have a lot of snow. Albeit the rain/hail we experienced this morning is what is heading toward John D. now.

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