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Nolan Kienitz

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Everything posted by Nolan Kienitz

  1. More on flexible gas lines. Below is from a mailing residents in Sun City, TX (Georgetown, TX) received recently. It appears they have eliminated the use of 'flex' from the supply hard pipe to the hard pipe coming out of the furnace manifold and through the furnace wall. =================================== Gas Line Installations at Sun City Texas - per Jim Romine, Executive Director, SCT Community Association In the past, flexible metal hoses were used in the installation of gas furnaces here at Sun City Texas. This is the hose that brings the gas into your furnace from the gas source inside your home. This installation met all applicable City building codes at the time. According to Stan Johnson, President of Stan's Heating and Air, approximately two years ago, our City code changed and required that hard steel lines be used in the installation to replace these steel flexible lines. This was changed due to the slight possibility that the flexible line could be penetrated due to years of vibration. Since the Code was changed, all homes in Sun City have been installed per the new code. Some residents have expressed concern over the past use of the flexible metal lines and their existence in many homes in Sun City. Residents who are interested in having their lines replaced may call Stan's-Georgetown office at 869-6995. Stan's will be offering special rates this spring to switch the line for Sun City Residents. Please keep in mind that this line will need to be replaced to meet the new code if you sell your home at a future date. ============================================
  2. No documentation with meter? Anything at manufacturer's website?
  3. Years past it was the "7-11" on almost every corner. Now it is "Starbucks". I find myself giving and getting directions via Starbucks at the NW intersection of this and that street. Also know when I'm stopping by far too many times when the guy or lady behind the machine almost has my drink made by the time I reach the counter ...having seen me walk in from the car. That being said ... I'm off to an inspection and will stop by Starbucks for a latte enroute.
  4. The above quote just one more reason this site is so great! Snippets of history from all over the U.S. Absolutely fantastic!
  5. Have not gone that route. Maybe just call one of the yellow page companies and ask. May just be same as buying a yellow pages ad and telling them which number you want to appear in the ad.
  6. Business cards being a 'major' marketing tool I've run across this site that has helped cut down my business card costs substantially. http://www.printsmadeeasy.com/
  7. Phone number for phone books is the one you have set up service with traditional "land-line" telco. IE: at&t, Verizon, etc. (at&t in lower-case on purpose). That would be the number you pay the monthly bill for to have dial-tone at your home/office. If you auto-forward that to your cell or vice-versa ... makes no difference. That billing number is what gets put in directories unless you pay for unlisted or unpublished numbers. Your cell number typically won't show up in any similar directory.
  8. Check also height over walking area below lines and verify requirements in IRC and/or NEC. It is simply a "safety requirement" that must be corrected. At least you advise them of that ... if they choose not to correct ... that is their problem.
  9. Don't forget to note having PVC painted for UV protection. Required in Texas, but not sure about your area.
  10. Great for making it 'easy' for homeowner!! Also must have been drafty as there does not appear to be mastic or foil tape sealing seams.
  11. Could be distance and/or camera angle, but are there lifted shingles at top left and middle left of roof? Has nothing to do with rafters! Comment above ... adding 2x resolves ridge beam/rafter issue all the time.
  12. A great story for the archives. One for the memories and hope to heck it never repeats!
  13. What an end to a great push. Did not look like his run toward the end zone was planned with the lack of 'sticky' on his fingers. Very frustrating ... to say the least!
  14. Adding to the problem (noted in Jim's input above)are the builders "out in the county" who oft-times feel they are under 'no rules'. It is a fine line we balance when it comes to the basic fundamentals as noted in the IRC. The amenities (IE: tp holders) are like paint color, carpet style, etc. They technically don't impact the "functionality" of the home. On "new home finals" I'll help clients by advising them to be watchful and critical with their punch list as they do their final walk with builder.
  15. Great information for the inspection library. Helps for adding clarity to reports as always.
  16. I was doing some consulting work over the past 18 months and I used Vonage for the "company" phone. Company was in Denver ... I'm in Dallas. I also signed up for Vonage for my residential dial-tone. I got great service on the "company" phone ... now no longer doing that project and am still getting great service for residential Vonage. Saves a "bunch". Also blessed with "fiber to the home" and extremely high speed bandwidth.
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