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Nolan Kienitz

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Posts posted by Nolan Kienitz

  1. Very common to get calls from the shoppers asking me to "meet or beat" XYZ Inspector's quote.

    Simple answer is that I don't do price matching and that I can and will provide a professional inspection for my rates.

    I try to educate the caller about the likely differences in a 'drive by' inspection versus my inspection.

    Some will take it and lock in the inspection, but so many are simply looking to spend close to nothing as they simply can't quite understand the importance or what it takes for a proper inspection.

  2. Here is the URL to the Texas AG's Opinion regarding the recent vague legislative ruling concerning E&O for HI's in Texas. Reading the opinion has given me a headache and (my view) is loaded with enough double-speak.

    I've also included a comment I received from TREC Legal this morning (11-27-07).

    TX AG's Opinion:

    http://www.oag.state.tx.us/opinions/op5 ... a-0581.htm

    TREC Legal Comment:

    Mr. Kienitz:

    The Attorney General opinion, GA-0581, confirms that insurance policies cannot be obtained to cover intentional acts, such as fraud. It also clarifies that the coverage must be on a per occurrence basis. No legal opinion was expressed as to whether the law requires a "general liability" policy, a "professional liability"/"errors & omissions" policy, or both because the nature of the coverage is a matter of the policy language, rather than what a particular policy is called. Because the statutory requirement is simply that the policy cover the public against violations of Subchapter G (excluding those violations that would be intentional in nature), we believe that the rule that has been proposed and will be up for final adoption comports with this view. That rule says that the requirement is for "professional liability or any other insurance that provides coverage for violations of Subchapter G of Chapter 1102." Essentially, TREC requires proof of insurance that offers coverage for negligence in the performance of your professional duties - the type of coverage that we have come to think of as "professional liability" (or "errors and omissions"), although the policy does not need to bear that label.

    Devon V. Bijansky

    Staff Attorney

    Enforcement Division

  3. I agree with Jim about the realty association. I'm an associate member as that is the only way I can obtain a SupraKey to access homes for inspections.

    Waiting on agents or designees to open doors for inspections can cost many hours or even days due to missed schedules, etc.

    It can vary by area so you need to research your coverage area to see what would work best.

  4. My call is: KI5IO - Extra Class

    I also have "what used to be known" as an FCC 1st Class license.

    I worked in broadcast radio in the mid '60s. Started out as a 'jock' moved over to 'news' and then ended up with my love in 'engineering'. I was the chief engineer for a couple of stations in Texas before I went to work with The Associated Press in data communications.

    I don't currently have any rigs, but keep toying with the idea of getting back on the air.

  5. Originally posted by Bain

    As for cleaning and maintaining a shake roof? I'd be very surprised if anyone in my area would have the first clue.

    Humm ? Niche market for 'new business' ??

    BTW - great thread and a lot of education on this one. Goes without saying not many such roofs in the DFW market.

  6. Originally posted by hausdok

    Jeez, Nolan,

    See what you started? [;)]

    Glad to be able to provide 'talking points'.

    I know that Jim & Charlie have their venture in Puerto Vallarta. I do not personally know either, but have read a lot and have the highest respect for both.

    My bell didn't go off associating Charlie with LandAmerica when I was doing other web reading. [:-dunce]

  7. Terry,

    I purchased a 'slightly used' Ideal from a fellow who left the business this past summer. Unit worked (sort of) and I wasn't quite sure of the results I was getting.

    I sent it up to Ideal and they (after testing, etc.) sent me a new/updated replacement ... no charge ... and I wasn't the original purchaser. (is that a word?).

    Ideal was very nice to deal with.

  8. Continue to get cards/letters in the mail from LandAmerica with a generic greeting and a wonderful offer to become part of the best home inspection company in the U.S.

    Seems they are continuing their march about the U.S. and attempting to grow ... I'm guessing in select states.

    One of their 'managers' called me a few months back. He was located in the Austin, TX area. Said he was looking for inspectors to sign on with them in that area. He said he wasn't interested in the DFW market at the time.

    Just curious to hear from others about LandAmerica.

    NO ... I'm not giving up my portion of the pie.

  9. Originally posted by MorganSS

    ... Im hoping I can do it all correspondence and pass my test, does anyone have any experience with this school? ... Morgan


    As part of Continuing Education classes I've been to Kaplan a couple of times. As with any CE classes ... some are better/worse than others.

    As for jumping in the HI world ... do your research and then do it again. It is a great professional job, but you have to work and earn your niche in the market. Just because you get your TREC license does not mean that you will be fully funded for salary from day one.

    If you are in conversation with someone who owns a multi-inspector firm he should be giving you all kinds of information about requirements that you will have to handle before you can legally inspect and generate a report.

    As Jim, Steve, Les, Scott and many others have noted there is a lot to go through before the chute opens and you get in the race.

    As Les has commented you will "never" stop learning ... if you do or if you think you know it all you are in the wrong business.

    I was raised on a farm in Montana and my Dad told me (more than once) to "never - ever stop learning ... the day you do you had best be six-feet under and toes up". That lesson from my Dad has served me well and as I'm closer to 60-years of a wonderful life I am "still learning".

    Do some ride-a-longs with the fellow offering you a job and see what it is about, have him explain the E&O insurance items now required in Texas and make sure you run numbers on the cost of being an HI so you can be sure of just what it takes. I still re-calc my numbers periodically to make sure I'm on track ... as best I can determine with a market that is not quite what it was in recent memory.

    Check out the TREC website for the current set of guidelines on how you get your TX license. It changes, it seems often, so keep checking back. Here is their URL: http://www.trec.state.tx.us/inspector/default.asp

    Don't hesitate to ask any one of us on this forum or even via pvt msg or phone call if you want more background. We are all here to help and learn ourselves.

  10. I do similar as Chad:

    yyyy/mm/dd-XXXX Year/month/day/running sequence number.

    Each inspection has it's own folder and they are moved via quarter to a storage box (but accessible). At end of year put into aging storage.

    Files on PC are done similar with backups to external hard-drive as well as CD / DVDs.

  11. I did a 'new home final' today where the brick window ledges had a wonderful slope all the way from "0" to "4" degrees.

    I did the framing inspection on this house and gave the builder a head's up with documents/images regarding the BIA and IRC requirements for a slope of 15 degrees. Guess he didn't read or maybe it was his brick crew.

    My client sent me an e-mail tonight asking if it was real important to have the slope. Well now ... that began a rather lengthy reply with more documentation ... for the 2nd or 3rd time. Oh well.

    I had one builder rip 'em out 3 times before he got them right. The last time around he went to the big box store and got the simple meter/gauge that is in the images. Then his brick crew got on the bandwagon.

    Kind of a nice feeling when at least one in Lord knows how many inspections gets corrected.

    Image Insert:


    61.07 KB

    Majority of windows were at this slope! (Where's the water??)

    Image Insert:


    62.42 KB

    WOW ... all of 4-degrees !! [:-party]

  12. Very common for natural gas meters to be placed at edge of property (in alley for example) with supply line routing to side of home for entrance ... in Texas that is.

    Configuration is such that the meter could almost be "relocated" from current location at alley to the entrance location at the home.

  13. As Brian noted: "emotions" ... sellers when presented with the buyer's request for repairs or $$ at closing to cover for certain items can evoke big-time emotions.

    Most times sellers don't think anything is wrong with "their home".

    So many times on inspections the seller has been about and asks what I've found and how bad is it? I never tip any hand, but I can feel the "emotional sensitivity".

    Stand firm !

  14. G-S appliances were common in '60s. Fox-Jacobs and others used them quite a bit.

    Have some close friends in a late '60s house with original G-S appliances still in use.

    My friend simply refuses to spend a nickel on anything. I keep telling him that "one of these days" he will have to upgrade.

  15. I've been told, by some clients, that getting windows replaced ... due to broken seals ... have cost only about $40.00.

    Obviously depends upon size of panel, but is common in the DFW area.

    The window folks just replace the 'sealed panel' section that is set within the frame.

    Now ... if you have a bunch of windows that have seal failures ... that $40 can add up.

  16. It appears the "listing agent/owner" is now putting on the hat of the "owner" and mayhaps doesn't want to accept any responsibility.

    I've experienced similar over the years and it is very interesting to watch and see how they can change "roles".

    A month from now she will be a "buyer's agent" and have a view 180-degrees from the current.

    Hang in there!

    You did right !

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