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Nolan Kienitz

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Everything posted by Nolan Kienitz

  1. Synching up with comments from Les & Chris ... Several agents I work closely with in the DFW market have told me that the load of unsolicited e-mails on a daily basis gets dumped. They have told me that they get about 15-20 each week if not more in some cases. They said that they don't even bother looking at them. USPS mailings and mailbox stuffing is not the best investment of advertising $$ either. The hit rate is very low. It's not just inspectors so just imagine what they cull through and I find that most just 'delete'.
  2. Agreed ... many of y'all (Yes, I had to throw in "Texan") are much further along than me and I'm doing all I can to learn more and make adjustments. As Randy has noted it seems it is taking me longer and longer for my inspections and associated reports. Don't know if it is just the age factor or that I keep learning more and am observing more each and every inspection. Bottom line ... if I can provide my client the information that will help them ... then I'm doing the right thing.
  3. Depends upon the contract/arrangement. I happen to use Go Daddy for hosting my website (not very expensive) and I built my original website over 5-years ago. I am making changes from time to time. It is not all that difficult. I worked with Michael (DevWave) and had him refresh and update my site this past fall. It has helped quite a lot !! Thanks Michael! I've considered and entertained other companies who have promised all sorts of visibility in the first few listings of page one of all the major SE's. But there is a cost to that as has been noted. If you do the website adjustments yourself, spend the time and effort to get a good handle on SEO ... you can expend a bunch of time. Then, once you get a handle on it Google will change their methodoligy and you will be on Page NN? in a heartbeat. It can be consuming, but interesting, but, but, but ... all sorts of decisions involved with them. As with any advertising budget ... just have to be careful and weigh your options. Some folks do the "pay per click" to get into the "advertiser" slots on the SE's top of the search page or to the right side. Not for anything I seldom (if ever) even look or click on those. I'm more interesting in the organic listings that come up in the searches. And ... it is not just Google ... you have Yahoo, MSN, and Lord knows how many others. Then do you optimize your site for IE or Firefox or Opera or ???? I think I'll close this post for now. ...whew !! You know ... it's New Year's Eve [:-party] Happy New Year everyone !!!
  4. I relocated from the Houston market to the Dallas market about 1-1/2 years ago ... similar situation as Scott P. I've had a website for years and always keep modifying to some degree. Anyway ... about 60% of my business since my move has been via the web along with referral links from the ASHI site. The clients I've received from the web are (most cases) ready to book and get a professional inspection. Very little discussion/negotiation concerning rates. A high percentage of the client calls I get via an RE referral are always "looking for a deal". I've heard so many times can you meet or beat this other inspector's quote or I'm a member of some-such group and my RE agent said you give discounts for them. I've booked 4 inspections this past summer/fall via text messaging. Yes, I did follow up with live voice calls, but the media worked for the client and they were happy with my response and work. It was nice for me as the properties were all over 5000 s.f. and that helps the bottom line. No, I don't use a BBerry ... just the text messaging feature on my Motorola RAZR via at&t. The 'hit rate' from the RE brokerages is (as my Dad said growing up on the farm in Montana) like "pis$ing up a rope". You can spend hours, gas and seldom get a good link for referrals. Former client referrals and my website seems to be my best marketing at the current time.
  5. Jim, Are you sure that you didn't use too many words? [] Short, sweet and to the point ... that is the better way to go.
  6. Kurt, Here 'tis : Image Insert: 35.48 KB
  7. TSO's music is fantastic and I'm sure their concert will be extraordinary. Enjoy the time with your daughter. I also enjoyed Bond's music when they were touring a few years back. http://www.bondmusic.net/home.html
  8. you know the rules of nachi. termination result of not following the rules. claiming you were removed without notice is absurd. Pete - I didn't say there was not a reason (whatever it was). I think that a message from someone at Nachi to me advising of the discrepancy would have been the professional and proper approach. I "was" removed "without" notice. Call it absurd if you like, but those are the facts. Since I sent several messages asking "why" ... I have since been advised the reason and I have no problem with it. It is what it is and that is fine with me.
  9. Close inspector friend of mine in Houston recently inspected this property in East Texas. Inventive way to route A/C ducts [:-bigeyes Download Attachment: EastTexasAC_Ducts.pdf 178.07 KB
  10. ... And I'm adding more years. I was removed from member's access at Nachi (... err ... I-Nachi) this past week all without any type of notification, advisement, e-mail, phone-call, carrier pigeon, semaphore flags, etc.. I sent several messages asking what was going on as my "free membership" was valid until February-2008. I got a message from Nick that an "audit" was done of my website. Oh well ... it is what it is and not something to loose sleep over. ... Thanks Les for the comment on my "Cheers" .... I started using that many, many years ago when I was with The Associated Press in NYC and dealing with co-workers and clients in the UK. It has stuck and also helps me address each/every day in a very positive manner.
  11. DP, I got a reply from TREC Legal this morning and they confirmed that "yes" TREC inspectors 'can' provide cost estimates for repair, but they emphasized that you will be held liable for any statements made should there ever be any dispute from the trade involved. Of course ... this is not any new revelation for us HI's. I just wanted to be sure that TREC Legal didn't have something hidden somewhere that could open you up for a slap on the hand.
  12. Not sure that is wise move. Doublecheck the TREC rules ... if I recall we're not allowed to comment on cost of repairs. I will check again myself to ensure my "remembrance" is correct.
  13. Mike ... thanks! Got it downloaded ... now to plan for time to print and be ready with the new laser cartridge. [^]
  14. Heck, this Bubba didn't even bother with the rope restrainer! Image Insert: 59.7 KB
  15. Adding to what we've all experienced ... I received a "shopper call" yesterday wanting a 1K s.f. condo inspected. Gave the quality sales pitch with the hook to book the inspection ... along with the price for all the value ... Ooops ! Caller asked me to meet or beat the other quote he had for $125.00. I went to backup mode to try and convince caller what he was likely getting for that price ... but he would not have any of that. My minimum of $295.00 was way to expensive for "just an inspection". You know ... sometimes you simply can't crack the nut!!
  16. Very common to get calls from the shoppers asking me to "meet or beat" XYZ Inspector's quote. Simple answer is that I don't do price matching and that I can and will provide a professional inspection for my rates. I try to educate the caller about the likely differences in a 'drive by' inspection versus my inspection. Some will take it and lock in the inspection, but so many are simply looking to spend close to nothing as they simply can't quite understand the importance or what it takes for a proper inspection.
  17. Here is the URL to the Texas AG's Opinion regarding the recent vague legislative ruling concerning E&O for HI's in Texas. Reading the opinion has given me a headache and (my view) is loaded with enough double-speak. I've also included a comment I received from TREC Legal this morning (11-27-07). TX AG's Opinion: http://www.oag.state.tx.us/opinions/op5 ... a-0581.htm TREC Legal Comment: Mr. Kienitz: The Attorney General opinion, GA-0581, confirms that insurance policies cannot be obtained to cover intentional acts, such as fraud. It also clarifies that the coverage must be on a per occurrence basis. No legal opinion was expressed as to whether the law requires a "general liability" policy, a "professional liability"/"errors & omissions" policy, or both because the nature of the coverage is a matter of the policy language, rather than what a particular policy is called. Because the statutory requirement is simply that the policy cover the public against violations of Subchapter G (excluding those violations that would be intentional in nature), we believe that the rule that has been proposed and will be up for final adoption comports with this view. That rule says that the requirement is for "professional liability or any other insurance that provides coverage for violations of Subchapter G of Chapter 1102." Essentially, TREC requires proof of insurance that offers coverage for negligence in the performance of your professional duties - the type of coverage that we have come to think of as "professional liability" (or "errors and omissions"), although the policy does not need to bear that label. Devon V. Bijansky Staff Attorney Enforcement Division
  18. I agree with Jim about the realty association. I'm an associate member as that is the only way I can obtain a SupraKey to access homes for inspections. Waiting on agents or designees to open doors for inspections can cost many hours or even days due to missed schedules, etc. It can vary by area so you need to research your coverage area to see what would work best.
  19. My call is: KI5IO - Extra Class I also have "what used to be known" as an FCC 1st Class license. I worked in broadcast radio in the mid '60s. Started out as a 'jock' moved over to 'news' and then ended up with my love in 'engineering'. I was the chief engineer for a couple of stations in Texas before I went to work with The Associated Press in data communications. I don't currently have any rigs, but keep toying with the idea of getting back on the air.
  20. Does anybody know how to cook Hoosiers & Buckeyes? How about carefully [?]
  21. Brian's "Cost of Business" is well worth the investment. I've used it since day one and continue to use it a couple of times a year just to stay 'on track'. Well worth the investment.
  22. Jason, Bathroom exhaust vents go where?
  23. Humm ? Niche market for 'new business' ?? BTW - great thread and a lot of education on this one. Goes without saying not many such roofs in the DFW market.
  24. Glad to be able to provide 'talking points'. I know that Jim & Charlie have their venture in Puerto Vallarta. I do not personally know either, but have read a lot and have the highest respect for both. My bell didn't go off associating Charlie with LandAmerica when I was doing other web reading. [:-dunce]
  25. Terry, I purchased a 'slightly used' Ideal from a fellow who left the business this past summer. Unit worked (sort of) and I wasn't quite sure of the results I was getting. I sent it up to Ideal and they (after testing, etc.) sent me a new/updated replacement ... no charge ... and I wasn't the original purchaser. (is that a word?). Ideal was very nice to deal with.
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