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Nolan Kienitz

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Everything posted by Nolan Kienitz

  1. Image of a historical timeline of pipe-fittings Nice image.
  2. Is he trying to take and "under-skirt" image of the microwave?
  3. Great B&W images. I was with The Associated Press for 20 years and learned the B&W images have more "color" than one can imagine. My favorite for images.
  4. Do a search here at TIJ and you will find all sorts of data that may (or may not) help you out. The program or application is not of concern. It is about your ability to inspect and properly provide that data to your client. A Big Chief Tablet and Crayolas may work very well in many cases.
  5. [utube] " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344">
  6. I had to look it up. http://dictionary.reverso.net/french-english/couillon What are my odds of being "found out" if I use Marc's "couillion" in an inspection report? Keep in mind that TX is adjacent to LA and I'm sure there are a bunch of Cajun's in Texas, but most of my clients are certainly not Cajun or from LA. Humm ... gives me food for thought for sure. [?]
  7. I found it. It was a Paul Harvey's ... The Rest of the Story segment from years ago. [utube] " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344">
  8. I guess it depends on what you are using them for.. They work great for starting a fire! [] And the involved 3rd party companies (the flyer printing and such) does wonders for their bottom line ... or if you are doing at home ... the laser or ink jet ink consumed and paper and on and on) ...
  9. I'm a very small player in the HI biz. Been at it now for 16 years and will very likely end my run next year or the following year. Anyway ... I've always required "personal check" or "cash" at the time of the inspection. As noted above ... "no pay" ... "no report". Never did or would accept payment at closing. Been asked several times, but would not go there. A number of clients would have preferred to use a credit card, but I think I've lost only 3-4 jobs because of required check/cash. I've taken a few fee payments via PayPal with clients overseas or out of town, but that is not the norm for me at all. I've had to chase two checks in my 16 years and got the cash funds plus some additional dollars for my trouble to chase within two weeks for each circumstance. They were both unfortunate situations and not a purposeful 'screw the inspector' item. All in all ... I've been very fortunate in that regard compared to many horror stories I've heard.
  10. Several visitors here have done the same. As far as I know, all of them eventually abandoned that endeavor in favor of a choice of marketed home inspection software. Sometimes, after many years of experience, the marketed home inspection software gets replaced by an array for general purpose professional software that does the same thing better. In my case, I abandoned 3d several years ago in favor of Word, Photobulk, Photoscape X, Adobe Acrobat and a handful of settings and keyboard tricks on a MacBook platform. I've other apps in consideration and every once in awhile I learn a new time-saving trick on my Mac. I've two external monitors and thinking of expanding on that. When I get the dough, I may buy into a column-mounted counterbalanced desktop that lets me switch from standing or sitting work positions in just a few seconds. I use my setup for much more than just writing HI reports. Marc Just had my quarterly visit with my endocrinologist for my ongoing T1D maintenance. Their offices have (and still are) going through construction as the "corporation" keeps spending $$. He is in a medical office tower with Baylor Scott-White. Anyway ... he used to always be carrying his laptop for our visits and today they have an articulating arm attached to the wall holding the keyboard, monitor and small 'desktop' connected to the LAN. His nurse stood up and did her keyboard entries with my vitals and when he came in he pulled it over and sat down and did his file updates. NO ... I didn't get a name for the product, but it fit with your comment above.
  11. What about the hull of an old wooden boat being used for property construction? I saw a clip of just that on a structure built in the UK from the hull of a ship similar to the Mayflower.
  12. Did both of those routines well over twelve + years ago. I actually tracked the calls back then ... didn't result in even one inspection. For me anyway ... an amazing waste of $$ . []
  13. Having been to a few training classes at Simpson Strong-Tie in McKinney, TX I seem to recall some tests they showed the crew of inspectors. I did not take pictures and I can't precisely recall, but I saw lots of timbers and many with glue used in their testing of fasteners and brackets, etc.. I'm sure they have tested many combinations of framing for their products.
  14. Far too many setups for me here so ... without comment I'll just add the JPGs below ... [^] Click to Enlarge 18.25 KB Click to Enlarge 64.02 KB
  15. Just to satisfy your curiosity have you pulled the dryer out and have a close, unobstructed view behind and under same? NOt sure what you might see, but there may be clues.
  16. Sunset images can be extremely great and all depend upon atmospheric conditions and one being at the the "right place for the right time" as the "time" does not last long at all.
  17. This not good .... Home Inspector Killed in House Explosion So sad ... video/audio clip notes she was an inspector working for a real estate company ... Not sure if a drill down will show a 'basic home inspector' link. Still, sad that any such incident will result in loss of life for anyone even close to our profession.
  18. Kurt, You set me up and I could not resist!!! [] Click to Enlarge 17.87 KB
  19. Good comment Marc. Now ... would I re-locate the firepower to open the panels for viewing? Nope! No pun intended, but I'm getting more and more 'gun-shy' in today's sue-happy society. I would take an image, put in the report and advise that 'safe access' to be able to remove the panel covers for observation was not possible at the time of my inspection.
  20. This might be the URL for the new Nest product Nest Alarm
  21. Define "small appliance circuits" ?? Are you referring to the typically-required two circuits for the plugs at the kitchen counter-top level? They are supposed to be GFCI protected, but not required to be AFCI protected as best I understand.
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