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Nolan Kienitz

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Posts posted by Nolan Kienitz

  1. I posted this over at the ASHI forum this morning as well.


    I'm reluctant to post this link as it will likely drive traffic up at the owner's website, but I have to share a marketing spin that is further minimizing the expertise needed in our profession.

    I'm also concerned about possible copyright infringement with the Code-Check series and have passed this along to Douglas Hansen already.

    Review the marketing spin for the target markets.

    This is from the paragraph for the Brokers & RE Agents ... pretty slick:

    Gives you and your agents a tool to assess not only the house when it comes to fair market pricing but also used as a tool to grade Professional Inspectors you might be depending on and recommending to your clients.

    All the inspectors involved with the website are licensed by TREC and they are all "newly" licensed.

    One is also an "Elvis impersonator" ... wonder if that is part the inspection as well?

    Home Check Book

  2. I got my Fenix TK-11 after Kurt's reviews and images of his custom-made holster.

    The Ultra-Stingers (even with new cells) just don't last anymore. I carry a freshly-charged U-S for a P&B crawl and have the TK-11 in the pocket as I know the Ultra-Stinger just won't last for some crawls.

    I get about 5-6 inspections from each charge and each inspection runs ~4-5 hours. NO ... the TK-11 is not on 'full-time', but gets plenty of use.

    I've been spoiled with the Fenix TK-11.

    Thanks Kurt !! [^]

  3. I've also seen condensation on the inside of dual-pane thermal windows and all caulking/sealing "appears" to be OK.

    In some cases it has been more prevalent at windows where the 2-inch blinds are kept fully closed and completely dropped to the sill.

    I've noted, over the years, that keeping the blinds fully closed can still be OK, but lifting the blinds off the sill an inch or two will allow more air circulation behind the blinds and minimize some of the condensation collection.

  4. Most all manufacturers also require a "sediment trap" ... also called a "drip leg" and seldom called a "dirt leg" ... at least in our region.

    They are required by code and are of a 'low value' item on the radar in the overall scheme of things.

    In the DFW market many of the AHJs have again or finally started requiring builders to have them installed on new home construction. Unless the AHJ has exempted the item they should still be noting it during their inspections. Few if any of the DFW AHJs have exempted the sediment trap in their documentation.

    Several homes in the DFW market have blown up due to gas-leak problems (none of which had anything to do with sediment traps), but they are covering their backsides.

    All in all ... a good thing.

  5. Happy Birthday and welcome to the "codger's" club.

    You may find that the bones will creak more with the cold weather and snow that you have to endure up there.

    Even in Dallas my knees are real creaky ... but hey I have 10-years on you!

    Bottom line ... Have a great time, enjoy and again HAPPY BIRTHDAY! [:-party]

  6. You are picking a tough market time to start HIs and in a tough and competitive market (Houston metro).

    I used to live/inspect that area for many years.

    As a licensed TREC HI (I assume you have your license) you already have E&O as you can't get your license without that document from your carrier. Having E&O doesn't matter if you are a corporation or a sole proprietor. From a customer view it's a moot point and I've yet to win/lose a job because of E&O. Albeit ... when the first words out of a potential client's mouth are asking me if I have E&O coverage and/or how much ... all of a sudden my calendar is "very full".

    I strongly echo what Les suggested. Contact your legal representative and learn from him/her on what is recommended for your business.

    As HIs we all have observations/opinions and the majority of us rely on our respective legal representation.

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