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Nolan Kienitz

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Posts posted by Nolan Kienitz

  1. One approach I've been using this past year in dealing with the various soliciting calls is:

    I quickly turn the call around and ask them information about the property they are buying so I can provide them with a fee for my inspection.

    It catches the caller off guard and I continue indicating that I run an inspection business and I'm sure that they were calling me to book an inspection on a property they are buying. So can you tell me about the property, address, etc., etc.?

    In most cases they are virtually speechless.

    I continue to push about them calling for an inspection and if indeed they are not then we have nothing further to discuss.

    Have a great day!

    It's actually kind of fun to catch 'em off guard like that.

  2. I'm sure many of you may have had calls from folks embarking upon "new found wealth potentials" with the Enlightened Wealth Institute - EWI.

    Be wary and do your research.

    Several of the DFW area inspectors have received calls in the past couple of days from folks with eyes glazed over about them being on the precipice of huge income with real estate investment / fix / flip / bank $$.

    Lady I talked with yesterday was from the Fort Worth area and she was assembling her team and needed an inspector. Areas of town they are talking about would more than likely need an armed escort as well as my carrying a .44.

    I tried to 'splain to her the pitfalls and that she was signing up with something that was going to drain her account. She had already soaked up all the kool-aid.

    Here is a Google search link that you can look a bit further into.

    They are not just in the DFW market and have been around for some time.

    Enlightened Wealth Institute - SCAM

  3. Cash/check at time of inspection. No report released without payment.

    Out of area/town clients pay in advance via CC.

    Been fortunate to have never been stiffed in 7+ years. Couple of slow-pays ... but I was a persistent PIA and they were happy when I was finally able to leave them alone. [;)]

  4. With all the muddy (make that "not clear") comments over at ASHI a sense of clarity has settled over me today with additional input from Les, Kurt, Randy, Scott and others here at TIJ.

    I'm a youngin with ASHI, but am proud of what I've done and what it took to earn the full certification. Over the past couple of years watching all the changes and back 'n forth is far more than I need to or want to deal with.

    I'm not at Les' 65 mark, but am 60 and just don't need the spin as I mature like a fine wine. [;)]

    As one of the common people I'll be voting no.

  5. 6' is max for ranges and dryers. That does not mean two 3' sections hooked together.

    Furnaces, water heaters, cooktops, etc. are limited to 3'.

    And no the flex is not supposed to pass through floors, walls, ceilings, etc..


    I submitted a question to the CEO/Owner of TIF as it appeared there was an indication that "someone" at his group was a member of ASHI at some level or another.

    I was questioning whom that may be and/or if there was truly an affiliation with ASHI.

    I was surprised and pleasant pleased with a response I got from the CEO/Owner of the site noting that there was 'not' anyone so affiliated with ASHI and that he advised his webmaster to make appropriate changes and also advised his 'team' to join any of the recognized home inspection organizations that they felt inclined to do so ... AND advise him of same so they could appropriately note same on the website.

    Now ... it will be interesting to see if the owners of Code Check find anything amiss with TIF's Home Check product.

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