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Nolan Kienitz

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Posts posted by Nolan Kienitz

  1. IF there was/is any type of code/guideline blanket from somewhere it should be what was in effect the day the construction 'started'.

    That has been my experience of our state or local adopted code cycles. The rule in place the day the construction started is the guiding element.

    If there is a change during the current construction it does not impact that project underway. Only affects 'new' construction started after the adoption of the new rules.

  2. George,

    Here's a cut/paste of what I replied with to you over at IN.

    What point does that serve? Customers searching for good inspectors and inspections can see that such is a blatant setup ... even though you mean very well as does the client it is such a hype that can turn many folks off. I've checked with many, many folks (some clients and some not) and almost all of them have laughed such videos off.

    Again ... I know you mean well as does your client, but bottom line is such (even if professionally produced for good audio/video quality) going to sway a future client?

    Now ... that is MY input from many years of dealing with public, media, marketing, construction (~ 20+ years) and 20 years of commercial inspections and 7 years of residential inspections.

    Just food for thought. I'm sure others will have other observations and they will all be well intentioned. As I noted I spent many years in the media world and that is part of my background and view of many of the "home-grown" marketing items that folks (including inspectors) come up with.

  3. Unless something changes 'tween now and EOM on Tuesday ... I'll finish August with 14 inspections and that is only down 6 from my normal 20/month.

    Some weeks/days have been really quiet, slow, but ... again ... as noted above: Looking back at the week gives a different perspective than the beginning and I certainly cannot predict each/every week.

    One day at a time and thankful for each and every one.

  4. Did a courtesy visit and met with client this afternoon. All clothes in house bagged to be cleaned as part of "mold protocol" ... still in process.

    Walls open in couple of locations as repairs from recent incident are underway.

    Fundamental failure has been lack of "proper fitting" installation by builder's plumber. One location has had 3 failures after repeat repairs by different individual at same plumber.

    Other base-line failure was traced to a plumber (or helper) using utility knife to cut binder from roll of PEX and slicing into roll of PEX across entire roll-bundle. Lord knows now where those potential "weak" spots in the house are.

    CEO of builder called this AM and advised client acknowledgment of their complaint and he was having information provided to him. He would follow up shortly.

    Client is asking builder to "make them whole" (IE: take back the house and let them move on). I'm slightly hopeful that this will be the resolution. If not my client has already talked with an attorney, but would prefer not to exercise that option.

    I will be involved as an EW if it goes to arbitration and client advised that whatever property is in the offing I will be their inspector.

    I've had good response from several sources and will be providing a bullet list of items for my client to have as talking points with support data for the short term.

  5. Anyone aware of any granular information regarding failure of PEX piping product itself and/or as it relates to handling/installation?

    That is a multi-part question I'm sending in an attempt to collect a wide berth of data if possible.

    This is not necessarily connector related (IE: 2007 Class Action on Zurn fittings) ... there is plenty of information about that suit.

    I'm dealing with my client (they are not upset with me ... rather I'm their consultant source) who has had 8 leaks in a new home construction since moving in ~ November-2009.

    All leaks (to date as best I can determine) have been due to small slices or slits in the PEX tubing. The slits have eventually leaked and finally failed causing more water seepage/flow and now there is mold, etc., etc..

    There is a huge set of dynamics involved with some wild statements by the CEO and COO of the plumbing company and I don't want to bring them out here at this time ... just in case.

    I'll repeat that I'm not a target on this one and have worked with the client and builder to resolve some of the early leaks ... thinking they were all good, but they keep happening. Obviously my client is concerned/worried.

    Legal counsel has been contacted/engaged so I'm sure it will be interesting to say the least.

  6. When Service magic called me and offered their service, I told them it was too expensive to to pay the sign up fee, which was about $200 I think.

    Then they said they could sign me up for free, which they did. Of course I haven't got any leads yet, but their search engine rank is usually on the first page, so its not that bad for me after all. I don't mind paying $12 or $18 for a lead and free advertising.

    Hope they work for you. Have not run into anyone over 8+ years who have had any good luck with Service Magic or similar companies.

    Certainly wouldn't be any $$ I'd be budgeting for advertising.

  7. I'm sure many may have seen the text below that has been circulating via our e-mail in-boxes. I've pasted the gist of the message below simply as a reminder, wish and prayer that we can all honor our America in some fashion each and every day and especially on 9/11/10.

    I know that we each get a ton of the "please forward this and that", but simply do what you think is right for you.




    On Saturday, September 11th, 2010, an American flag should be displayed outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the United States . Every individual should make it their duty to display an American flag on this ninth anniversary of one our country's worst tragedies. We do this honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11, their families, friends and loved ones who continue to endure the pain, and those who today are fighting at home and abroad to preserve our cherished freedoms.

    In the days, weeks and months following 9/11, our country was bathed in American flags as citizens mourned the incredible losses and stood shoulder-to-shoulder against terrorism. Sadly, those flags have all but disappeared. Our patriotism pulled us through some tough times and it shouldn't take another attack to galvanize us in solidarity. Our American flag is the fabric of our country and together we can prevail over terrorism of all kinds.

    Action Plan:

    So, here's what we need you to do ...

    (1) Forward this email to everyone you know (at least 11 people). Take a moment to think back to how you felt on 9/11 and let those sentiments guide you.

    (2) Fly an American flag of any size on 9/11. Honestly, Americans should fly the flag year-round, but if you don't, then at least make it a priority on this day.

    Thank you for your participation. God Bless You and God Bless America !!!


  8. That's what I was thinking.

    I don't understand this. If you're not working for the contractor, what's his concern, or right to ask for this?

    Usually, the builder owns the property until construction us complete.

    What Chad said.

    Builder technically is liable for any/all injuries/damages on that hunk of dirt & structure until "closing" and it is moved off the tax rolls of the builder to the client. Once that happens the builder doesn't care.

  9. Related, but a slight drift here ...

    Had 'head' about this from another HI in Texas as it relates to E&O and what I 'heard' was confirmed:

    New policy for my E&O (renewing on 09/17/2010) excludes "cement board siding" and "precast stone veneer".

    Too many pending lawsuits according to agent.

    BTW - I'm changing carriers as there were just too many "exclusions" added to the list this year. I've been trying to figure out what "was" or "would be" covered.

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