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Nolan Kienitz

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Everything posted by Nolan Kienitz

  1. Appears water was sprayed on the pesticide used and released gas that has killed 4 youngsters in family in a home at Amarillo, TX 4 Killed by gas released by pesticide under Amarillo TX home
  2. I found it interesting that the potential home buyer was "inspecting" the property. They must not have called Les ... [?]
  3. Is this in your neck of the woods Les ?? Detraoit: Body Found in Car in Garage by Possible Home Buyer
  4. And then there is this: Click to Enlarge 110.98 KB Click to Enlarge 19.48 KB
  5. They are still in business as they only charge $250 per inspection. The "drive-by" inspectors are alive and well all over.
  6. Good video, very authoritative, straight-talking, nice appearance and presence and VERY understandable. No worries about being understood ... I honestly don't know how you do or did it with your hearing loss. Excellent job Marc.
  7. Put a call into the fire department NOW!!! This guy isn't even thinking or simply does not have the knowledge needed. Sad.
  8. I ain't one of em'. I'm still thinking. I'm thinking it's time for dinner. Unfortunately, yes. Marc Marc - You are one of the rare exceptions ...
  9. Are there any A/C condensate drain pipes visible at the higher level or just under the eave? As Les noted another image up a tad higher might help.
  10. Maybe a local tailor could craft you some new ones with the old ones as a template? How about: Stella's Tailoring & Dry Cleaning 754 Main Street Walpole, MA 02081 508-668-0955 Just a thought. NO, I don't know them. I just did a quick search.
  11. Don't forget to also put plastic sheeting (taped) over any return air vents in the area as the dust Grant noted will be sucked in and then distributed throughout your HVAC duct system, HVAC system and rest of your house. Ask me how I learned that item? [:-bigeyes
  12. My wife and I found a local brewhouse when we visited Sedona a couple years ago. Good brew and Sedona's nice scenery. But, we were really enjoying a log cabin/house we rented a bit further North just East of Williams, AZ. Beautiful, quite and not too far from an active railroad line where I could get excellent JPGs of passing trains. Also, easy access to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Have thought more than once about retiring to a log home in the woods over there. Image is of the rental we had for a week for wife and our kids/grandkids. Click to Enlarge 81.57 KB
  13. Today's JLC had this story from Matt Risinger ... builder in Austin, TX area. [utube] " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344">
  14. And there are still a few inspectors selling radon testing for granite counter-tops down here in Texas. [:-crazy] Only location with any possible measurable radon in Texas is in the upper panhandle. Get a lot of questions from buyers moving down here from up North, but that is OK ... they may have had experience or using talking points.
  15. I would also suggest that many states and their respective bureaucratic entities don't communicate well amongst each other at times.
  16. Biggest hiccup (LG, Samsung, etc.) are their "top loading" washers that do not have an agitator. Therein lies the problem as the electronics can't always figure things out to properly balance, spin, run, etc.. That was the problem with ours that likely could have gone on to the 'exploding' mode. Front loaders also don't have the typical agitator, but they don't need it and at least the clothes actually get moved in that product design. The folks who sell the Speed Queen products down here can't keep them in stock and often have to wait on factory manufacture. Locations are allocated a certain number from each build cycle due to such high demand for the SQ product.
  17. Marc has been down this road once or twice before, but (as best I recall) in Cajun territory it is slightly different. Click to Enlarge 33.87 KB
  18. My wife and I had one for just a tad over a year. We continually logged trouble calls and fought with the extended warranty company as they finally told us we didn't know how to "wash clothes". Ours had the struts installed and replaced twice and yet it would still take near 6-7 hours to wash a load of clothes (the load was: one set of king size sheets: top and bottom and two pillow cases). The damn thing could not figure out how to spin out the clothes, level out and get ready to complete and let us dry them. In our house it is just my wife and I and two rescue dogs and it would take me upwards of two days to do laundry. No kids, no grandkids visiting, etc., etc.. Finally I wrote a letter and sent it certified to the CEOs of Home Depot (place we bought the unit), Warranty Company and Samsung. Within 3 days I got calls from each of the representatives from the locations and the extended warranty company sent me a check in full for the washer with tax, etc.. So ... we got rid of ours before the 'blow up" step happened. We went back to a very traditional top loader with an agitator: Speed Queen. Not cheap, but made in USA, solid as can be and works without fail.
  19. I got so tired of hearing it I just clamped on my headphones and spent more time on the air with my ham radio making CW contacts around the world. Far more enjoyable (for me) to chase a signal, as the band keeps shifting, somewhere on an island in the Eastern Atlantic near Africa or in the South Pacific NE of New Zealand. That contact is exciting for me. !! Oh ... I've early voted so now just need to see what falls out or in on 11/8/16.
  20. On the ballot in Florida next Tuesday ... Florida Solar-Energy Referendum
  21. Did you notice any dampers in any of the duct runs by any chance? One HVAC system with two T-Stats ... thus a zoned system due to design of home? Yes, I do occasionally take note of temperature variations. Especially new home construction or one year warranty or when I'm aware of a new HVAC system (AND duct) being installed. Data points for the report at the least.
  22. That is like (back in the day) when the old-timers used to gather around a wood-stove in the local general store, playing cards or dominoes and going over the day's events. Actually was not a "day's event" as news traveled at a much leisurely pace then. In the image below it is hillbilly music being enjoyed. Click to Enlarge 88.95 KB
  23. What if (just what if) the gas line to her unit is tapped to other units and those other units are adding up the usage? I know that is a serious stretch, but strange things can happen.
  24. Got the Sep/Oct 2016 Texas Realtor magazine the other day. It is funded/owned/operated by the Texas Association of Realtors ... big lobby for Texas agents. Happened across the article I've loaded below. Writer is with a TAR risk-management errors and omissions insurance partner. Prime item I noted was his suggestion for the listing agent to get a copy of the HI report and attached it to the disclosure documents. As the agent "may" be able to reduce or eliminate their E&O deductible. Article is sort of written to both listing and buyer's agents. I seldom see agents (listing or buyer) at my inspections. Several agents have told me over the past few years that their broker(s) have been advising them to not be at the home when I go over my verbal book report with the client. Rather just wait for the report to be delivered. Many listing agents have said they do NOT want to see the report or have it sent to them due to liability. Not all are like such, but there are a number. Click to Enlarge 96.53 KB
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