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Nolan Kienitz

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Posts posted by Nolan Kienitz

  1. ... If you want to market to agents, join the local real estate group as a affiliate and get on a committee that does something to help your local community. They may see you as a good guy and maybe, just maybe, some work will come your way.

    Ezra Malernee

    Canton, Ohio

    And don't hold your breath. One thing FOR SURE ... is that you will end up on a list at the broker's office for them to call you once every month or two reminding you that it is your time to bring the coffee/donut/fruit/snack plate to their next meeting.

    Took me a long time to get "off" the list of one local broker. The young lady at the front desk 'gate-keeper' slot did her job to call me monthly and remind me it was "my turn" to bring the food. I had never been to the broker's office. Found out one of the agents working out of this office had put my biz cards in their bucket. I had met the agent during an inspection and traded cards.

  2. Robert,

    Texas has some rules/guidelines to a certain degree.

    Check the state's website for information and/or get with a pool professional who does it for a living and knows all the guidelines. There are quite a number of them.

    I stopped doing them several years ago and engage a pool professional who knows far more about them than I do or want to assume the liability for.

  3. Many choices in Texas, but you have to do your research.

    • NAHI has very little presence/visibility in Texas.
    • ASHI and Lone Star ASHI has some presence and Lone Star ASHI often teams up with TPREIA for very good CE.
    • INachi has members around the state and one or two regional units that meet periodically
    • TPREIA is the newer Texas HI organization. Excellent for CE.
    • TAREI is the oldest Texas HI organization. Tends to be pricey.

    Personally I would lean to TPREIA due to their focus on CE for the membership. My $0.02 comment about the national organizations is that I just don't think they provide the value you may be expecting ... especially in today's market. They both have their pluses and minuses, but you would be wise to build your own analysis spreadsheet for what you think will work for you.

  4. Kiel,

    Ultra Fire rapid-charger (does two cells)

    I bought two Tenergy 2600 mAH cells with the charger/TK-11 well over a year ago and all are working fine.

    Have not had any failures at all.

    Will be adding the TK-15 to the kit before too long. As noted above one can't go wrong with more light, almost same size flashlight AND using the same batteries.

  5. Wind rules for shingle fastening is a different animal along the Gulf Coast.

    I don't inspect down there anymore and they have changes the rules over recent years.

    I recall a mention about such when I was at a Certainteed class in the past year or so in Dallas.

    Don't have details.

  6. Scott,

    So good to hear that timing was in everyone's favor. Your sharing is very helpful.

    I've been a T-1 diabetic since 1967, been wearing insulin pumps for 25-years and CGMS (glucose monitoring) devices for 2+ years. Also been on statins for some BP and Cholesterol "tweaking" ... seeing as how I'm a diabetic. The statins can create their own list of side-effects that I'm also dealing with.

    I've lost 25 pounds over the past 3+ months and have about 5 to 10 more to go. I see my endocrinologist on Wednesday and am hoping that statins for the 'tweaking' can go away due to weight loss and a far better diet.

    I'm hopeful I can stay ahead of any more problems. Again ... your sharing has been great and I'm so glad that you are doing OK.

  7. Get rid of "any" kink in the primary condensate drain as it routes to the DWV below the sink.

    Debris, mildew, etc. can collect (at the kink usually) and cause a flow restriction then things would back up and the flow would then start coming out of the secondary.

    HVAC folks often us a heavy rubber-type hose (almost a radiator hose) and they will often have a kink or sharp bend from the PVC that is coming out of the wall below the bathroom sink to the drain just above the P-Trap.

    Sometimes the turn is "too sharp" and causes a kink and thus possible restriction of condensate flow.

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