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Nolan Kienitz

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Posts posted by Nolan Kienitz

  1. Edit: By the way, Eric, the doctor analogy is pretty poor, IMO. I hate going back to the dr's office a second time just to get test results. I wish they would just email it to me along with a few comments and recommendations from the doc. Much more convenient.

    I visit my endocrinologist every 3-4 months with visits for labs. My doc e-mails me with the labs and comments. Works great.

  2. I did HIs on two homes that had the I-Nachi Pre-Inspection/Certified whatever sign. Copy of report was laying in the home as well.

    Two different HIs had done the inspections and both were 'fluff' inspections/reports.

    Many common items we almost always see in the D/FW market were not noted that "were" evident at the respective properties.

    But I can assure you that those guys were proud of their reports.

  3. Eric, you mention in your sample report that "all components designated for inspection in the ASHI Standards of Practice are inspected..." yet you are not affiliated with ASHI.

    In fact, you show InterNACHI credentials all over your website but don't mention InterNACHI in your report.

    Could you clarify the paradox?

    Nice call, Randy. [:-thumbu]

    Ditto ...

    Also ... Eric ... you are inspecting in Florida, licensed in Florida and I'm pretty sure that Florida has a "Florida SOP". That is the SOP you should first/foremost be following and focusing on.

  4. I have my website/phone set up for similar, but I'm "old-fashioned" and don't have an i-phone or droid or such.

    I reply to such online requests with a quick phone call (at an appropriate time during the inspection) and go from there.

    I'm not into web surfing and all such things while I'm inspecting.

    Prefer to do that in the comfort of my office.

    Stick to basics ... "repeating" ... stick to basics. Then, as you get well-grounded (no electrical pun intended) add items that you thoroughly research that will work well for you and add value to you, your inspections and for your clients.

    Again ... "stick to basics".

  5. This is at 9am this morning at the start of inspection #1.

    It warmed all the way up to 0 for the 2nd inspection at 1:30.


    Click to Enlarge

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    Makes me wonder - just how low a temperature can the sensor in your truck give?


    I don't want to find out!

    OTOH-It's a dry cold!

    It is still DAMN COLD !!!

    I was raised on a farm in NE Montana near the Canadian border ... COLD !!!

    I'm keeping myself South of the Mason-Dixon Line. [;)]

  6. As Terry noted ... he is likely doing some consulting due to some moisture intrusion or settlement issue with the Great Wall or some pagoda or other.

    Cary ... maybe he used the phone booth below when replying to your text ???

    Click to Enlarge

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    Could have problems anywhere along here ... it seems.

    Click to Enlarge

    49.91 KB

    Hello Max (err ... sorry .. )... Cary ... is that you? Can you speak up? Is Agent 99 with you?

  7. Be aware that there are "system limitations" with Spokeo when it comes to removing your data.

    I had 4 entries and could only remove one of them. When I tried to removed the others their systems "red-type' warned me that the number of privacy requests was exceeded per e-mail address. Now I don't know how many I'm allowed "per e-mail", but I DID remove one, then tried for two then I was blocked.

    Their FAQ indicates that I may be OK by tomorrow to remove another one ... or maybe two.

    Information was interesting on all 4 entries. None of them were "real right". My Spring, TX address was linked to NYC. Yes, at one time in my past, I did live in NYC (Upper West Side near the Dakota), but my Spring, TX address does not exist in NYC. I was also living with my parents at most of the locations ... even though they passed on ... many, many years ago. Heck ... I'm over 60!!!

    It is all very interesting how our data points are "just out there" and it gets mined in so many different ways.

    BTW - Scott P ... that is a "cute" outfit. Nice to see it again from Mike O.

  8. P. Nathan Thornberry -

    Why doesn't the "about" link work at your website?

    What is your company's DNA? Who is the parent and baseline support?

    I see you have HI association logos that would indicate you are 'affiliated' with such.

    How deep does that association go with each of those organizations? In particular Nachi?

  9. I think this thread is absolute, definitive proof that there is NOTHING we can't obsess over.

    I'm guilty, too, and also contributed, but are there really 31 comments to be made about whether, and how, to caulk the base of a commode? : )

    And we are darn good at it!!! [^]

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