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Nolan Kienitz

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Posts posted by Nolan Kienitz

  1. I would back off the Kool-Aid right now.

    Promises of HI referrals are pretty much 'hot air'. Consider how many other His in your market are also "members".

    I've been doing residential His for 9-years (commercial for 15+) and I've know many HIs in that group (very nice guys and many are good HIs) and they candidly state the referral hype is just that ... hype.

    An IR camera for $2K is a play toy. It won't provide you the resolution you need for the proper use in your business.

    Read other threads here at TIJ about IR and cameras.

    Two words of caution: Be Careful

  2. There was a group of the speeders running the old Soo Line and some of the old Great Northern Rail in Northeast Montana a couple of years ago. I saw a clip about it in my hometown newspaper (Plentywood, MT ... Sheridan County News).

    The speeders on that run were all privately owned and rebuilt, etc..

    Of course ... had to get permission from the current rail owners.

  3. Have you talked with the company that did the installation? Did they follow the J-H installation methods?

    Have you talked directly with J-H?

    In most cases with such cement-board siding it's failure is due to improper installation methods.

  4. Dittos to Bill's and Jim's comments.

    Another big factor is how the product has been "handled" from manufacture to site installation.

    No way one can see that "crystal ball" and be sure.

    I had a client, with a new home, that was purchased back by the plumbing company due to mis-handling of the PEX that had caused over 10 leaks in less than 7 months.

    Builder then gutted the home and replaced all the plumbing lines and apparently have the house planned for sale again.

    I'm not sure that PEX is truly ready for prime time ... albeit there is a lot of it being installed.

    Most AHJ's down here require a copper transition at the fixture connection. So what one sees is the copper below the sink and the PEX is kept inside the wall cavity.

  5. New one for me today.

    2-story, 4000 s.f. built in 2002.

    All static vents in attic have been very neatly sealed off. Two of the former static vents (now with sealed covers) have a six-inch flexible metal duct attached and the bottom end of the duct is hanging near the attic decking floor level.

    Two "power vents" (thermostatically controlled) had also been installed ... only one was working the motor was toast on the other. BTW - I dislike power vent fans as i can't wrap my head around spending money on electricity to "save money on electricity" to move air from an attic in the summer. The static vents work just fine ... no moving parts, no electricity, etc..

    Anyway ... I'm not sure what the former homeowner was trying to do as I've not run across such.

    Anyone else seen such?

    Sealed static vent port

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    Sealed static vent port with 6-inch flexible attached

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    Bottom of flexible at attic floor deck level

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  6. Say on the news this AM where Linked In is about to delivery an IPO in the $40 range ... which is high for Silicone Valley offerings ... but ... what the heck?

    FWIW - I've had a recent flurry of linking requests over the past week or so. Don't even know many of them.

  7. "Inspectors are NOT required to inspect paint, wallpaper or other finish treatments, carpeting, window treatments, central vacuum systems, household appliances and recreational facilities or gymnastic equipment?"



    Mike - Now that is just "not nice" [;)]

    You should take the time to test each and all pieces of gymnastic equipment and provide images of you making the moves necessary on the treadmill, bowflex, etc., etc.. [:-bigeyes

  8. Jim,

    Attached is a PDF about a W/H explosion in Seattle (but article notes that the TPR Valve was 'capped'). It also refers to another W/H explosion in St. Paul, MN years ago.

    I seem to recall a posting and image of a W/H exploding in a garage (side split open at seam) in or around the Phoenix, AZ area a couple of years ago. I don't recall if it was posted here at TIJ or over at IN.

    Download Attachment: icon_adobe.gif SEA_PI_WaterHeaterExplodes_article.pdf

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  9. Helped out a client and replace his TPR Valve that was leaking and would not reset. House and Water Heater are a 2006 vintage.

    Image shows inside of valve. Somewhat surprised at the amount of chemical mineral deposits. There was also a boatload along the threads when I removed the valve. It was a side mount unit.

    The particular water supply in this community must have high chemical content.

    Interesting things we keep running across.

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