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Nolan Kienitz

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Everything posted by Nolan Kienitz

  1. Clay tile roof and one is messing with web chords?? And the he adds the weight bench ... Lord help him.
  2. ... and don't forget the radon from the beloved granite counter-tops. I believe that data point hit a peak in 2008 with articles in many locations. A Google search will give you plenty to read including the one below from "This Old House". Radon - Granite Counter-Tops ... This Old House Bottom line ... be aware, learn ... but "chill out"
  3. Y'all are 'rolling along' pretty well. I've only had six since the first week of October. From what I hear it has been spotty for many HIs here as well. Of course there are those who say they are so busy they can't see straight, but most of those are the 'drive-by' specialists.
  4. I'm sure others who have/use Square are also getting messages about a pre-order for the new reader that will be EMV (chip card) capable. Square Reader ... "chip card" ... pre-order INFO
  5. I've not noted any speed issues with the new Ricoh. The battery is more robust than what I have in my Pentax and I get good mileage out of it. Recharge once flash goes off in dark attic takes a bit of time, but not enough to give me any heartburn. RE: Batteries for the Ricoh WG-20 last a long time for me. As Jim L. noted ... if taking a huge number of images I may have to slip in a 2nd battery to complete the inspection, but doesn't happen too often for me.
  6. Pentax is now known as "Ricoh" as they (Ricoh) bought out Pentax in the past year or so. I got a Ricoh WG-20 this past July and am very pleased with it for my inspections. I still have my Pentax W90 that the Ricoh replaced and it also still works fine. Nice to have a good backup. I ordered a silicone sleeve for both the Pentax and the Ricoh as it helps provide a bit more "grip" for the camera(s). I got mine at Target (online) as they had the best price at the time. Ricoh WG-20 ... Target Ricoh WG-20 ... Amazon
  7. This is neat ... [utube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCySraPKhL8" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344">
  8. Appears that agent is in cross-hairs on this one ... Indiana: Meth Contaminated Home
  9. The fellow behind the case in the bottom picture has his eye on you and your camera. It is interesting to see people's expressions when viewing art ... they can sometimes become intriguing art themselves.
  10. Maybe the data label had a required value of 35. 15 plus 20 ... hey, I'm there!! [^]
  11. Similar lack of proper investigation, research and reporting ... it is rampant amongst a rather large cross section of the media types. I worked for the world's largest news organization over 30 years ago and at least there was some in-depth reporting at that time. It is so sad with the mold issue as the low-information folks just don't do the proper due diligence to determine what is actually true or false. Good information ML.
  12. No the shower is separate. I did the tub a couple of years ago. Shower is not huge, but far larger than a typical single-stall shower. No exotic spray heads and such. Just two heads with a valve to switch between the two. The 2nd head is handheld. I'm kind of a KISS person. Less things to 'go wrong' that way. I'm looking up the Kerdi system to see what I can learn on that.
  13. ... and here you go Enjoy [^] [utube] " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344">
  14. Continuing the 'slight' thread drift, but Chad noted he built a shower using a system ... I figured I could add the YouTube below about the "Wedi Board" system. I'm intrigued by it and am wondering about input from others who may have had some experience with it. My wife and I are finally getting around to remodeling our Master Bath (2-year planning project). Our house was built in 1982, typical green board around shower and flexible membrane shower pan. I'm preferring to try to get it as "right" as possible when I get all torn out to studs and start the refacing. It's a 14-minute video from the manufacturer, but easy enough to fast-forward to get basics. [utube] " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344">
  15. ... And speaking of "points" ... there is always the shingle nail (points) that have pierced the CSST and caused gas leaks. Happens on re-roofs or even some new home construction when the CSST has not been properly installed with adequate clearance from the roof decking. Been a few issues of that down here with resulting lawsuits as well.
  16. As noted the insurance company was doing it's job ... that being not to part with any or as little money as possible on any claim ... (my $0.02 about the insurance company's job). So, they and their legal folks take a scatter gun approach and throw the spaghetti on the wall and see where it might stick and then pursue that avenue. The HI that Jim noted was first thrown under the bus by the CSST manufacturer after the insurance company first came after them. That company peeled apart the TREC SOP and took items out of context and said that the inspector was at fault due to "x, y & z" that had been taken out of context. Actually he had done precisely what the TREC SOP required ... IF you read, understand the entire SOP. The insurance company loved that (what the CSST manufacturer put together out of context) and then broadened the suit to also include and nail the inspector and his insurance. Not for anything ... CSST and reporting of same is a standard topic of conversation at most every HI meeting in Texas since that happened. And, as Jim noted, the AHJ(s) that have gone way overboard with bonding runs on everything metal in an attic is close to humorous ... except that we inspectors have to be very careful so that we don't get clotheslined with all the bonding wires strung from flue vent pipes, dryer vent pipes, CSST and on and on. An interesting world we're blessed with down here with some of these things.
  17. I'm sure it is out there in use, but I've only seen it via advertising and the CSST manufacturer's in their efforts to paint it as a superior product over the original yellow-jacketed CSST. It's called "CounterStrike" and made by TracPipe. I won't put their URL on this thread. Just Goggle it and you will get plenty of links.
  18. It appears the pending lawsuit against CSST manufacturers has been settled out of court. Case files will be closed and I would guess the push was from the manufacturers to minimize publicity. Such action just makes me much more cautious when I note CSST in houses I inspect. CSST Lawsuit - Lubbock, TX ... Settled Out of Court
  19. A lot of "yaks" where probably sheared for that mix ... [:-bigeyes
  20. Usually I would agree, but I know Mike O to be a good inspector and I would not want to limit my choices! Oh oh ... Here it comes !!! [:-slaphap
  21. Find your next inspector by reading sample reports. Many inspector websites have them. Its the same way good authors are found...by reading their works. If a prospective inspector doesn't have a sample report on his site, call and ask him for one. If he doesn't have one, scratch his name off of your list. Marc One more item to be careful of regarding 'sample reports' is that many inspectors have been known to "manufacture" a sample report to look sexy and grab the reader's attention in a way to sell their services. I've seen many reports with all sorts of combined comments with failures of a pier & beam foundation when the actual home was a slab on grade and had those comments in the report as well with JPGs of both. Problem being is that the potential consumer will seldom ever catch such things. So sad to see. Best of luck with your efforts. Glad you are asking questions.
  22. Interesting. Similar presentation in three browsers. All the W's in a Word document are fine. Seems to look OK when typing in this reply, but once posted it is weird. Maybe it is a hiccup with TIJ? WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
  23. The insulation caps are cute !!! [^]
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