Hi Marc, As with most software vendors I assume, we all think we try to anticipate the inspectors' needs. I am constantly surprised as to how diverse inspectors' ideas are on how to create reports fast and efficiently. We learned that early on with our original WhisperPI product which was very restrictive. Hence we came out with WhisperReporter with the idea to not lock it into a particular style. Like using light gray for cloaked text... we all thought it was fine, perfect... but after five years, an inspector finally came out to say "you know... it would be helpful if..." I think many people are accustomed to software companies being a huge black hole for ideas (myself included), so they just don't ask or just hope someone else asks, leaving the software company to create a ton of options (substantiating an increased price) that no one needs or uses and an interface hard to navigate IMHO (think Microsoft Word). Sorry, I digress... moving on... I'm probably walking a thin line here in the forum, and don't want to promote our own software, but let me just say in response that we are natively narrative and don't force a style of input. We simply offer a checkbox feature or "tool" so-to-speak, among many other alternatives, for those who prefer to use that in certain situations and usage, such as with the mandated Texas TREC format or using a tablet in the field. Great idea about a manual of style. I would love to see an online community blog or wiki used to compile something like that. I think it would have extremely useful content especially for new inspectors, and could boost creativity! Who knows, it might even help to sideline state mandated form styles like they have in Texas. But now I'm contributing to this thread going off topic... sorry.