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  1. Both the water heater and furnace are in the basement venting into the same flue. I am selling the house some replacing the them is not an option.
  2. Dear Mr hausdok, Thank you for your quick response. The reason why I am interested in this is because I own the house and will be needing to do this work, and want a safe environment. The one contractor that said I needed two flue liners had a price that was about twice as high as the one that was going to install only one liner. And he said that it was the code to have a separate flue liner for each appliance.
  3. In an old house with an unlined 7.5 x11.5 chimney, I need to know what is the proper metal flue liner size to use. There is an old gas furnace with a 4 " vent and old water heater with a 3 " vent. They both use the flue. Some contractors are saying that there must be two liners, one for each device. Another, says that one larger flue is enough. Does any one know what the normal code is?
  4. Is this a code violation? The up stairs balcony over looking the downstairs has a rail that is 19'3" and very wobbly. In fact if a large person would lean on the rail, there is no doubt that it would pull out of the floor and wall and cause death or injury. Please see the picture
  5. Accepting payment from a real estate agent creats a major conflict of interest. I would not do it unless the agent is the buyer. If the agent wants to pay for the buyer's inspection, he/she can remburse the buyer. I get my contract signed by the buyer with my LLC. And the buyer pays the LLC. That way I have no personal libiality.
  6. You can get a small tankless waterheater on EBAY for about $300. It is good enough for 2-3 people. $1800 is way out of line.
  7. Does anybody think that a bank, that is foreclosing on a home, would benefit from handing out an inspection before, during, or after the foreclosure?
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