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Everything posted by Annieokie

  1. My neighbor who had his fixed said the contractor said it was installed with regular nails instead of wood screws.
  2. Shouldn't the builder be held accountable for this?
  3. That's what I was thinking, it would affect two units. Thank goodness I'm on the end, only have one adjoining wall to another unit. So you think the HOA should be the one to handle this legally?
  4. He had it replaced, I'm sure for protection. He said company who did the work said it wasn't attached properly. Seems strange that three have fallen within months of each other.
  5. My Townhouse was built in 2006. There are a total of 12. Out of the twelve at least 3 of them have had their firewalls collapse in the attic, including mine. One person had his replaced for $1500. Can the builder be held responsible for this?
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