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Leighton Jantz

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Everything posted by Leighton Jantz

  1. Kurt, your fast, there's a pic there now. Guess I should have tried crumbling it, hope the pic helps?
  2. Hi guys, its the rookie, I've been following this site as I've been taking the HI course and wouldn't you know on my second practice inspection for CAHPI, I believe I've come across UFFI, I found an old thread from '10 where there was a picture but this looks slightly different. It has the consistency of peanut butter but it's not sticky. Was I correct? I just pushed down on it I didn't try to break it up. Click to Enlarge 41.19 KB
  3. I'm just a new inspector with a background in framing and cribbing, it was a struggle for me to pass the electrical part of the Carson Dunlop course, just wondering, Chad, in this situation what would you put in the report? If the basement was completely finished would your report be different? Or anyone with more experience than me feel free to respond.. That leaves it really wide open I know but I'd like to hear.
  4. On the top section of sheet metal with the 90 degree bend near the vinyl,is there any scrape marks? Like something got ripped off? Shortly after I moved into my current house we had a strong wind in the middle of the night and the cover for my fireplace vent was hinged,after rattling and slapping for 1/2 an hour I went out and ripped it off,then built a solid one out of a piece of stainless the following weekend,seems to draft ok. Maybe they didn't get around to replacing?
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