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Leighton Jantz

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Everything posted by Leighton Jantz

  1. I can't find the pic. but that reminds me of when there was a new gas range/oven installed in a home, they thought they would save the cardboard packaging for handles, burner covers etc. in the drawer under oven. Luckily the drawer was tight enough the fire choked itself out.
  2. I like the walnut floor joists and subfloor in the last pic! (or is that moisture stained) haha!
  3. Sorry to hear that, my mom had a stroke 3 years ago, just took her for cataract surgery this morning, the other eye is being done in Jan. This getting older sucks.
  4. OP- no date on TPRV handle, the 00 I was guessing that also but there was another sticker on the tank about "complies to CSA 2006 standards". Yes I'm kicking myself for not getting more pics! I know I'll hear it from the brethren.
  5. I've already tried Building Intelligence Center, no luck. It's made in Canada, serial #B 0089151, first time I've come across a Gemco. Also there was no date stamped on lever of TPRV.
  6. Thanks gentlemen!
  7. Hi Marc, you will probably have an answer for me- why does the test button on the GFCI trip the outlet, but the test button on my plug in tester does not trip the power to the outlet?
  8. On the night that Trump won, one of the DJs from a Calgary radio station drove down to the border and started building a Lego wall. I had a chuckle when they posted this. Click to Enlarge 68.66 KB
  9. Umm... just a question, is it actually cemented in the floor or is it loose? It kind of looks like the back of the housing for an old exterior light we had back on the farm.
  10. Had the furnace ever been cleaned? I hate to admit it but early on when I was just a labourer in construction, after eating lunch leaning against a wall we would crumple up our lunch bags and stuff them down the ducting. (They were right there, so handy) I'm sure we weren't the only ones. [:-paperba
  11. Thanks guys, When I googled pill bug, roly poly, isopod, some of the same images are in each search. Everyone's right! Isopod sounds more official.
  12. This is not for an inspection, this is at a friends home. They are coming out of the settlement cracks in his garage floor this fall. Any idea what they are? Apparently most active in the evening not during daylight hours. Sorry about quality of pic, was just taken with phone. Click to Enlarge 71.95 KB
  13. Thanks guys. I knew from previous threads that asbestos tiles came in 12X12, I was just hoping someone would recognize this tile and give me a positive ID. Thanks Jim I suspected that was what the arrows were for, but I thought with the fletching missing on part of the arrow that would help with IDing, as there was no other markings on the bottom of loose tiles.
  14. The 3rd pic shows 1 tile flipped over to show that odd arrow emblem.
  15. Hopefully someone recognizes this tile, it's 12X12, quite stiff, seems very much like the 9X9 asbestos but I'm not sure. It's poorly glued down to a concrete floor of a house built in '71 Click to Enlarge 1637.51 KB Click to Enlarge 1538.35 KB Click to Enlarge 1048.16 KB
  16. Some people should not be allowed to buy lumber! Or hammers!
  17. First we had Kurt talking booby traps, then Mark mentioning the bra-less lady from Brazil, and Jim going on about way-top-heavy...I was wondering where this thread was going!? Ha!
  18. Also toured the Royal Canadian Mint, no pictures allowed. According to tour guide we have the highest quality gold in the world, they are the only company allowed to stamp on coins 99.999% pure. Saw 19 coils of gold getting ready for the press at today's prices almost $450,000,000 per coil. Very cool to see.
  19. It's the Notre Dame Basilica in Montreal. I'm here visiting relatives. Here's the Notre Dame Chappel built in 1771. Montreals oldest standing building. Click to Enlarge 2396.44?KB Anyone like woodwork? Here is the interior of the library at the parliament building in Ottawa. Circa early 1900s Click to Enlarge 2213.93?KB
  20. Hello gentlemen, Thought maybe some of you may like this, standing pretty good for being built in 1830. Click to Enlarge 3090.41 KB
  21. The basis of my suspicions was the unsupported stairway to the basement, therefore thinking the same practice was used on the upstairs stairway.
  22. Hello gentlemen, I'm curious, I inspected a 4 year old house, 2 story with an unfinished basement, when I get to the basement I can see that the stairs were outsourced to a stair and spindle "factory" the landing was not supported by cripple studs. Just one or two nails through framing of the landing into wall studs. I'm thinking that the stair installer expected the framers to finish supporting the stairway and the framers figured it was the installers job. I point this out to my client and then tell him I also have suspicions about the stairway to the upstairs. Now I'm wondering if I should mention "suspicions"? Leighton
  23. Thanks guys for the quick responses, Marc- yes electric range/oven, tight building envelope, HRV on the furnace, built in 2012. Furnace fan automatically comes on when bathroom fan is turned on, etc.
  24. Hi guys, today I had a GE exhaust fan over the range. It had recirculating fan with carbon filter in place (dirty). But it also vented to exterior, no louvers to block the exhaust to interior. Other than the gummed up dirty filter this should be a non-issue, correct? Leighton
  25. Just a thought... If I have high levels of radon in my home, can I go ahead and remove the asbestos tiles in the basement myself? (Insert chuckle here)
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