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Leighton Jantz

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Everything posted by Leighton Jantz

  1. I have, but it shows in the body of my recommendation, I kinda like how Spectora has it indicated to the side of the recommendation box.
  2. I do like how Spectora has "DIY" , or "Licensed contractor" etc. beside each recommendation, but I don't care for the checklist type reporting, so no, haven't switched.
  3. The 45 at the top of shingle reduces the chance of of runoff from opposing roof from running along top edge of shingle, and past metal flashing. This is most commonly done with an open valley though.
  4. Don't know if you had a look at the site, there's worse. Spiral staircase with no railings which appears to be 2 storeys.
  5. Found some unusual/creative stairs. Some aren't safe, but check out this site. https://www.providr.com/25-staircases-step-it-up/4/?utm_source=onlyincanada&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=providr
  6. Part of the reason they are not running is, according to client and his realtor, this property has been on the market for years they've known about the damage, and price has recently been dropped $700,000 below market value in the area.
  7. We had a severe flood in '13 here in Calgary. Yesterday I had an inspection right on the rivers edge. It had a partially below grade garage with a concrete and wood deck above it, flat roof with what seemed like a swimming pool membrane below the wood area to seal the roof. By the water line still on the house, the garage had been submerged. Some of the drywall had fallen off, and I could see mould in the walls and wood I-joists and sheathing of the roof. Also deflection of the joists. I called for the deck and ceiling structure to be removed, and to have tested by a remediation company to see if the mould was bad enough that it would have to be removed professionally. Here are pictures showing deflection and some of the moisture damage. I've never called for that much removal before, but from a safety standpoint I thought it was valid.
  8. The 1991 at the bottom of plate doesn't coincide with anything else? When was house built?
  9. Nolan, you may be right. New info today there is a infra-red "curtain" heater at the overhead door that is not staying with the property. I'll have to check where shelves, tool racks etc line up from interior.
  10. "Thermal bridging"? The heat transfer though wall studs? Or of another product? I see several different sizes of squares, I thought they had scraps of mesh left over from another job and patched it as well as they could. Hopefully someone has a confident answer?
  11. A friend of my wife's has put an offer on a home. I haven't done the inspection yet though I'll probably get the call. I looked at the home on MLS and noticed odd lines in the stucco on the garage.(I come from a framing, woodworking, drywall background) Can anyone tell from this picture what causes these lines? Possibly incomplete screen?
  12. An engineers report is a good idea. I usually recommend, especially to first time buyers to retain receipts of any major purchases ie. roofing, furnace etc. for when they eventually sell.
  13. This isn't an inspection for me, I've just noticed these houses near my home that overlook a golf course. If this was an inspection, what if anything would you say about these homes built on a man-made rise, on the edge of a steep hill? Personally, this area wouldn't be my first choice to build my home. Click to Enlarge 55.8 KB
  14. Another train of thought lost in translation, I was thinking out swinging door not allowed. Very rarely seen here, I'm guessing because of drifting snow and security? We can get 3-4' drifts against houses in the winter, would be pretty hard to push out swinging door open.
  15. Only thing I can think of is if it's a the top of a stairway it should have a 36"X36" landing (smart construction would be 6" below threshold but I'm not sure if that's correct) just going off top of my head, I didn't look up code. Edit: I also make sure that the hinge has the set screw on the inside so that the pins can't be removed.
  16. Sure this deck is only 30" off the ground, but wow did these people go way over-budget on the railings! Click to Enlarge 398.08 KB
  17. "Don't let the noobs tell you how to market your business. If you wanna push to realtors, go ahead." Sorry, was this to me? I'm the noob, but I didn't discourage talking to realtors. "It's not about who you market to, it's how you do the job." Agreed!
  18. That's Marc's opinion. He's been doing this for a long time and has an established business. You have to make up your own mind on how to get your name out there. We all know we can get sued if we miss something. I've just made it clear to realtors that I'm very thorough when I do my job, and I won't put my business in jeopardy. I also tell realtors "If I find more problems than your client wants to deal with, you may have to work a bit harder but I will make you look good for bringing me in." Lots of realtors get asked if there is a HI that they trust/recommend, why not cash in on that? The clients usually trust their buyers realtor over the sellers realtor. I've found when going to the larger offices you will just get the brush-off from the secretary. I've gotten some good results by going to open houses and meeting the realtors face to face. Sure some just tell you what you want to hear.(they are very good at that). If you want a good response from the realtors treat the house like it's their office, don't interrupt when they are talking to a client, have clean shoes or take them off. And if you have decals on your truck you may get business from someone checking out the open house.
  19. I agree with Jim, get it fixed, just last week I did an inspection where the unheated,detached garage built in '96 had drywall fastened with nails. The drywall was still up. There may not be enough ventilation in the attic space. There may be mechanical ventilation dumping warm moist air into the attic, making the drywall deteriorate. Or the installer hammered the nail heads though the outer layer of paper. There is several things that could cause this situation, to properly fix it you need someone who knows what they are doing to come and have a look. As to who would pay for repairs, maybe check with your board? Might as well get them all done at once.
  20. No I climb into, under, around anything I fit into. I tell clients I do inspections as if for a family member. I've even had a realtor of 30+ years ask me to do his parents retirement home.
  21. After Mark P's post I was thinking about working on the slide rule. This just stands up in blown-in Fiberglas on its own for pictures. The wheels are turning.
  22. How can that work, 1" of blown in can have R-value of 2.2-4.3 depending on settlement. If you have 10" of insulation that could be R-value of anywhere from R-22 to R-43? My point is this isn't exact, it's handy.
  23. It's set up for blown-in fibreglass insulation which is most common in my area. I find it handy, 4 out of 6 or 7 inspections it works. Older homes with multiple layers of different insulation- it won't work either. You kind of need to use your judgment. It's a tool, you have to be smarter than the tool. Anyone know how I can delete "epiphany" from thread title?
  24. Only 1 of 3 ladders I have on truck. This can be attached to any size ladder for half pints. And 6' ladder is all that's required for 10' ceilings as I am almost 6'8. Me and crawlspaces don't get along well.
  25. I made my own insulation measuring tool, maybe some of you have been doing this for years. Took a piece of sheet metal, folded edges over (stiffens tool and prevents getting cut). Then attached a couple of cabinet door magnets to the rail of my "indoor" ladder, always handy! Do I need a patent? Click to Enlarge 80.14 KB Click to Enlarge 75.05 KB
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