I think home inspectors need to start running their business so there is an opportunity for growth. Many home inspectors are happy with running their business with little cost from a small room in the house. I charge $325 up to 1,000 sq ft and $400 for 1,001 up to 3,500 sq ft which makes it hard to sell due to the $200 to $350 most bedroom office companies charge. Then many of these small bedroom office companies still rely on their wifes to make it. Rent an office building, hire a secretary that is not your wife or child, pay your office bills and everything else that goes with that, pay all the other bills required to stay a home inspector and then pay yourself $20 an hour for a 40 hour week and I know most home inspectors would be out of business in a normal market. That's not good. I strongly feel that a business should work for me, I shouldn't have to work for the business. Think about it.