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plumber How to Install a Toilet? Looking for Step-by-Step Guidance
Bill Kibbel replied to John Bruce's topic in Plumbing Forum
Aren't a majority of toilets there in Pakistan flush with the floor? I only know about installing seated commodes. -
Hey everyone, I’m planning to install a new toilet and want to make sure I do it right. I have the toilet, a wax ring, and some basic tools, but I could use some advice on the process. What are the key steps I should follow? Should I use a wax ring or a rubber seal? Any tips to prevent leaks or avoid common mistakes? I’d really appreciate any guidance or personal experiences. Thanks in advance!
vluxhof started following Looking for Lighter Ladder
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Jasonnah started following Plaster Smells, fear of moisture problem
Yes. Probably TV antennas but they were at practically every outlet receptacle even in hallways. Thanks.
Multi-pin usually turns out to be for a directional antenna with controller for the rotor.
The title is confusing. My OP should have cleared that up.
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Split Faced Block Discontinued - Chicago
Will Decker replied to Mike Lamb's topic in Exteriors Forum
I don't know about the heading of this post, but Split faced has not been discontinued. Can still be a problem. -
London Diamond Online changed their profile photo
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space between under my deck and my house.
zafarkhan987 replied to JKW's topic in Landscaping & Site Drainage Forum
You can fill the gap with hydraulic cement or polyurethane sealant to prevent water infiltration. Adding a drainage solution like gravel and a French drain can also help redirect water away from your foundation. Consider extending your downspouts too. Hope this helps! 👍 -
Hello everyone, On inspection, a 100-year-old apartment in Lisbon, Portugal showed evidence of a Wood Destroying Organism infestation in the stairwell: 1-2mm holes in the wood and slope to the stairs, but no powder visible (the area is high traffic and frequently cleaned). In the apartment itself, 1-2mm holes were also observed and the joist is likely infested, too, as evidenced by a slope, or sag to the floor (see pictures). Again, there were no signs of active infection but also no reason to believe that it isn't active. An investigation by a structural engineer was recommended to determine that the joist does not need replacement or sistering. However, the owner of the apartment does not want to remove any flooring prior to selling it, so it is impossible for the engineer to conduct a through inspection. The building is old and ornate, and replacing a joist or two would be major work, including working with a plasterer. If you were the buyer (me) would you decide against a purchase or do you feel that with proper moisture control, the building will reasonably hold up for many decades? (It has already made it 100 years.) Thanks! Enid
Thanks to all for the replies.
Oil furnace flames always flicker, don't they? Or is this flickering somehow unusual? When was the last time it was serviced. With oil furnace's you really have to service them every year. Get a new filter and nozzle in there.
What Bill said. I see the rather often. As I understand it, their variable speed compressors and variable or multi speed blowers will not always provide the traditional temperature differential.
I'm having a hard time understanding the set up. Do you have a picture? It sounds like you have a 200-amp meter/main and a 200-amp sub panel immediatly after it. That's a very common set up for manufactured homes. If I'm describing it correctly, then it's just a 200-amp service - nothing needs to be sized for 400 amps.
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Hey guys, I am new to this chat how are you?
I had a good laugh from the audible reaction.
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Heston James Chartier changed their profile photo
I was given the keys to a vacant building and this scared the heck out of me. That's Lori Lightfoot, Chicago's last mayor. IMG_6240 (5).MOV
Thanks for the replies. I called this guy and talked him into my hourly rate deal, where I inspect items of concern and bill by the hour. He explained that he knew almost nothing about building and was willing to pay me for a buyer type, but he agreed with me and turned out to be a good client. I took him with me and showed him everything my eye noticed about the house. (as you might expect the workmanship was poor and he was a good listener). The little neighborhood was only two years old and most of the buildings sucked. I think his intuition was leading him to unload this dump. I think he is wise to get the eff out of it while it is still "new". The worst feature was one of those entry doors on a two story facade that faces full southern exposure with zero weather protection. The laminate clad wood door was drooping in its frame and dragged heavily on the threshold. The main interior carpet clad stair had all 7 1/2 inch risers except that 9 incher at the bottom. The front main level facade was blessed with a sorry application of ASMV, no weep screed etc. My little letter pleased him, even as I advised him, (as we are not bound here by state licensing rules) to let a potential buyer's inspector to worry about what he finds.
Hello, I have a 200 amp service on a double wide mobile that was installed with 2 - 200 amp disconnects installed in line for additional space. The have 4/0 aluminum in the mast to a 200 amp meter / disconnect combo then from the feed through lugs, they go to the second 200 amp 20 circuit disconnect. Does 230.80 apply? Does the mast need to be sized for 400 amp? Thanks
I think there are a couple manufacturers of systems with air handlers paired with "slim" outdoor units. If you grab the model #s, you can check compatibility. I've found no difference in operation. But, it's more likely for the systems with the slim outdoor units to have inverter tech and some have the hyper heat for really cold climates.
Long time, no see here but I have a question. Came across something I have not seen previously. New construction with three heat pumps, the outdoor units all had the form factor you expect for mini splits. However, they were hooked to conventional air handlers and ducting inside. I'm not sure if this is the face of the future, or if somebody did something a little outside of the box. My question has to do with temperature differentials. Should I expect the same temperature differential with these and the "old school" style big boxes outside?
Sorry I have been off the grid for a couple of weeks and just saw this. I have no problem with pre-sale inspections. I was in the business for nearly four decades and owned a multi-inspector company. My company did one. I don't think you can do both and I am a believer that our profession was founded/based on the buyer inspection model. The guy that bought my company started doing them and immediately found out they are not the same product. I would not start if I were you.
I do, maybe, one a year or less for sellers who legitimately want to know the condition of their property before they put it up for sale. I do advise my client that if I find problems it should be disclosed when they sell or they should fix it. So sometimes ignorance is bliss. If something gives you the feeling it's a trap I'd stay away. Otherwise, take the job and treat it like you are working for a buyer.
That commentary is unbelievably bad. I've been doing this for 8 years now. I suppose I shouldn't be, but I'm still surprised by the number of inspectors that communicate poorly, spell words incorrectly, fail to convey issues and their implications clearly, fail to even understand issues and their implications, and yet still get work. I've seen sample reports from inspectors in my area, that they themselves posted as an indication of the quality of their work, that contain upside down photos, random numbers in narratives, omitted words that someone clearly forgot to select from a drop-down menu, redundant narratives attempting to describe the same issue multiple times... and you know these companies are the go-to for certain realtors.
I know that so-called pre-sale inspections are common in some places, but I have never done one in 27 yrs inspecting. I counsel callers not to waste their money there. This caller insisted on my pre-sale visit to a two year old home, even after he had taken his spec builder to court to repair sorry work. No more warranty, but still insisted on my visit. Is he setting any kind of a trap? My report is full of disclaimers, and I have never faced complaints except from one or two. Down here in the GA woods, Jim
The invention that led to mcmansions
Jim Baird replied to Bill Kibbel's topic in Open Discussion Forum (Chit-Chat)
Cheap loans were set in motion by our old buddy Billy Clinton and the repeal of Glass-Steagall that turned the banks loose to generate those mortgage based derivatives that led to the '08 collapse.